Then RESIGN you pos!
"Thomas, however, is apparently an extreme outlier for the volume and frequency of all the undisclosed vacations he’s received. He once complained that he sacrificed wealth to sit on the court, though he depicted the choice as a matter of conscience. “The job is not worth doing for what they pay,” he told the bar association in Savannah, Georgia, in 2001, “but it is worth doing for the principle.” "🙄
#ImpeachClarenceThomas #clarencethomas #sotus
Via @johnnypalmadessa on 🧵
BREAKING: Clarence Thomas accepted far more gifts and bribes from billionaires than originally expected.
• 38 Vacations.
• 34 Private jet and helicopter trips.
• 12 VIP event passes.
• Yacht voyage.
• Resorts in Florida & Jamaica.
• Country club invites.
#sotus #clarencethomas #ImpeachClarenceThomas
I’m so pissed at #SOTUS!! 🤬😡🤬😡Total bullshit!!!!
Brett Kavanaugh, the Supreme Court's Intellectual Titan by Jay Willis is a must read.
#sotus #brettkavanaugh #jaywillis
#sotus #brettkavanaugh #jaywillis
Unequal justice: Did five Supreme Court justices lie about abortion?
In response to a series of questions about Roe and Casey posed by the late Arlen Specter, then a Republican Senator from Pennsylvania, Alito said:
“Roe v. Wade is an important precedent of the Supreme Court. It was decided in 1973… I think that when a decision is challenged and it is reaffirmed that strengthens its value as stare decisis..”
After Joe Biden's 2023 #SOTUS, as The President was exiting the House Chamber, Speaker McCarthy stood with his left hand in his pocket (low emotional comfort, low confidence, possible deception), while banging his right (dominant) fist on the dais (aggressiveness, anxiety, impatience, frustration) as he stood speaking with Vice President Harris and Minority Leader Schumer. #BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage
#bodylanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #sotus
Toward the end of President Biden's SOTUS, just after he said, "The State of the Union is Strong!", Speaker McCarthy was wring his hands — in this context, indicating McCarthy's anxiety, frustration, and his political impotency. #BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #SOTUS
#sotus #bodylanguage #BodyLanguageExpert
The discord (and theatrics) among Republicans were in part revealed by Speaker McCarthy, who at multiple times during the SOTUS, felt the need to give the appearance of quieting his GOP colleagues — by shushing them. #BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #SOTUS
#sotus #bodylanguage #BodyLanguageExpert
Immediately after Joe Biden said, “So folks, as we all apparently agree, Social Security and Medicare is off, off [sic] the books now. Right?” — Kevin McCarthy displayed a lateral eye rub. This is a strong indicator that McCarthy disagrees and that it is indeed his plan to try to cut Social Security and Medicare. #BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #SOTUS
#sotus #bodylanguage #BodyLanguageExpert
Sen. Rick Scott displaying a classic Elevated Central Forehead Contraction (note elevated inner [medial] eyebrows) simultaneous with a Partial Mouth Smile. While everyone displays this facial configuration *occasionally*, when displayed frequently, this expression has an extremely high correlation with Sociopathy/Psychopathy (APD). #BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #SOTUS
#sotus #bodylanguage #BodyLanguageExpert
Rep. Lauren Boebert displaying classic disgust toward President Biden as he was talking about his plans to prevent the US government from defaulting on the debt. #BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #SOTUS
#sotus #bodylanguage #BodyLanguageExpert
If a person verbally states something is "not true" (or similar) — while simultaneously suppressing a smile and blushes — with extremely high likelihood, they're lying. Kevin McCarthy displays this classic Liar's Tell all the time — including multiple times during the #SOTUS last night. #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert
#BodyLanguageExpert #bodylanguage #sotus
Kevin McCarthy rolled his eyes (signifying a conscious and deliberate display of contempt and/or impatient dismissal) when Joe Biden said his administration cut the deficit by 1.7 Trillion dollars in the last two years. #BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #SOTUS
#sotus #bodylanguage #BodyLanguageExpert
When Joe Biden proposed we quadruple the tax on Corporate Stock Buy-backs, Kevin McCarthy closed his eyes for an extended duration (classic psychologically blocking the thought). #BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #SOTUS
#sotus #bodylanguage #BodyLanguageExpert
Kevin McCarthy found himself in the midst of cognitive-emotional dissonance when Joe Biden said, “we're going to need oil for at least another decade”. McCarthy suppressed laughter, yes — but he also blushed as well as felt significant anxiety (jaw scratching) #BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #SOTUS
#sotus #bodylanguage #BodyLanguageExpert
I'm still amazed that one of the biggest things that Biden and the Democrats have accomplished goes so unnoticed
They did the work to start getting lead pipes out of America. That's going save millions of American children from brain damage. We're literally going to have smarter children because of this
#sotu #sotus #biden #unitedstates #democrats
I'm still amazed that one of the biggest things that Biden and the Democrats have accomplished goes so unnoticed
They did the work to start getting lead pipes out of America. That's going save millions of American children from brain damage. We're literally going to have smarter children because of this
#sotus #biden #democrats #unitedstates
As President Biden speaks about saving seniors thousands of dollars a year on pharmaceutical costs, Speaker McCarthy displays an amalgam of Contempt and Disgust. #BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #SOTUS
#sotus #bodylanguage #BodyLanguageExpert
Just after President Biden said, "Remember the jobs that went away...", Speaker McCarthy closed his eyes and raised up off his chair approximately 3-4 cm. This lifting off of the chair signifies a high level of anxiety (literally, anal sphincter tightening and scrotal contraction). #BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #SOTUS
#sotus #bodylanguage #BodyLanguageExpert
Generally speaking, a double index finger pointing gesture should be avoided in most every setting. A key distinction, however, is the direction in which one points. Here, President Biden is pointing up (not at the audience which is virtually always negatively received). #BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #SOTUS
#sotus #bodylanguage #BodyLanguageExpert