Indulging in a spot of Sunday afternoon necromancy… #warhammer #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords
#warhammer #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords
Started painting Torgillius for my Soulblight army! Having a game on next wednesday so aiming to get him ready for it!
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
Watch Captain Halgrim, red version, Cursed City, Games Workshop
#soulblightgravelords #vampirecounts #ageofsigmar #aos #warhammer #wargaming #cursedcity #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer
#soulblightgravelords #vampirecounts #ageofsigmar #aos #warhammer #wargaming #cursedCity #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer
Basing ideas! Was thinking of including a wall piece, front half would be a graveyard and the other side would have flagstones from plasticard.
I think it looks super cool from the front but dont know if its that balanced, the dragon+ rider is already front heavy
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
I knew the model was large but this is huge! The building part went really well and its not a bad model to build!
The wings are way larger and longer than I realized so don't know how to transport the model....
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
Got the start collecting box for the Flesh-eater courts! Going to build the dragon as "Vampire lord on zombie dragon" and then 3 Vargheists.
Still cheaper than buying the kits separately, eventhough will have extra minis.
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
A super tight game today! Soulblight Vyrkos agains Gloomspite Gits!
Played core rules and ended at 20-15, a win for Soulblight. Mainly because resurrection and objective control...
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords
Always was into undead cavalry, even have couple of the older fantasy ones!
Adding Wight King on steed to my army, it seems all the Black Knights are out of stock....planning to get 10 of them to go with the Wight King so hoping they are back soon!
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
Painted the bottle many times over but I think it's good now!
Went with green to add a different color as most of the model is in a shade of brown, the driver will be blueish to standout from the rest!
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
The Corpse Cart is almost done! Still need the driver and couple details to complete the mini.
Anyone have any idea ( or a tutorial ) to paint bottles with liquid inside? Would like to try it on one of the bottles hanging off the cart
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
Taking a break from the zombie horde by painting... the Corpse Cart :D
Going to do the zombies with the same way as the others. Painting the driver separately for maximum details!
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
40 skeletons currently done, still have 10 from Cursed City to paint.
Been using black primer with red zenithal as a base for the whole army. This way the red cloth is kinda missing only the highlights!
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
Really liked playing with this combo, mainly for the cool looks :D
Kosargi Nightguards are cheaper now, sadly still no reinforcing for them or summonable keyword.
Having a game next week and planning to switch this 290pts group for 290pts Raducar the beast.
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
That was a long game, my second game ever against the Seraphon!
First was more melee heavy list this one was all about spells, felt like 10+ spells per turn :D
Scores were really close every round but should but more units in graves for better positioning in similar match ups.
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords
Going to have a game on wednesday with the new point costs, lets see how it goes!
Took some photos of ready characters so here you go!
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
Zombies! Will have a game on wednesday so more motivation to finish painting more of the horde!
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
Progressing on painting the zombie horde. Painting in batches of 5 but aiming to do 2x5 before next game.
Got 30/70 zombies painted so couple left to do!
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
#warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #soulblightgravelords #miniaturepainting
My last blood knight, with the banner. A lot of work on this one !
#bloodknights #soulblightgravelords #warhammer #ageofsigmar #warcry #warhammercommunity #miniatures #miniaturepainting #paintingminis #tabletops
#bloodknights #soulblightgravelords #warhammer #ageofsigmar #warcry #warhammercommunity #miniatures #miniaturepainting #paintingminis #tabletops
The Crimson Court, #warhammer underworlds. #vampire #soulblightgravelords
#warhammer #Vampire #soulblightgravelords
La suite de mes blood knights. Je commence à être content du rendu 😊
#paintingwarhammer #warhammer #ageofsigmar #warcry #gamesworkshop #warhammercommunity #soulblightgravelords #bloodknights #miniatures #miniaturepainting
#paintingwarhammer #warhammer #ageofsigmar #warcry #gamesworkshop #warhammercommunity #soulblightgravelords #bloodknights #miniatures #miniaturepainting