On Apathy, Impotence, and the Realization That There Is No One to Fucking Blame
Who is responsible for the current state of affairs? For the world as it is? — A capitalist dystopia offering nothing.
#survival #struggle #dailygrind #hamsterwheel #dystopia #capitalism #wastedlives #soulcrushing #crimes #poverty
#survival #struggle #dailygrind #hamsterwheel #dystopia #capitalism #wastedlives #soulcrushing #crimes #poverty
It's amazing how looking for #jobs has become #soulcrushing. Recruiting and HR has become this enormous black hole. Don't companies realize that recruiting will be the interaction people will have with a company? If it's poor, then it will reflect poorly on the company.
What an absolutely soul crushing day.😵💫🥹
I was so down already, low on spoons and had cried several times this week, and this afternoon with bizarre „social“ interaction metaphorically killed me and crushed my heart.
Being honest and vulnerable is not appreciated.
@actuallyautistic #actuallyautistic #adultautism #soulcrushing
#actuallyautistic #adultautism #soulcrushing
Tonight my son asked me how my day at work was, and what the most exciting thing I coded was.
I had to reply that I worked on MySQL backups all day
#soulcrushing #itsnotalwaysfun