have the SUPREME honor of having found, at my advanced age of 73, a group of people I now call my SOUL TRIBE. These are the people I drum with. Classes, rehearsals, practices, performances or just one or two of us in a sunny park on a pleasant day. They're people I share group chats with when were not together. Coffee and convo; get togethers on decks, at potlucks, at celebrations, at after performance parties, at restaurants after classes...and so on.

They're the people who generously offer their time to help me when I have a drumming challenge - or an ear to listen to my life challenges or to share a congratulate a life achievement. Their hearts, minds and arms are open whenever needed.

I found my group, my tribe: Djembe Orchestras of Colorado.

And it HAS changed my life.

#findyourtribe #spendtime #djembe #generous #soultribe

Last updated 2 years ago