"But this is the nature of "What kind of bonds we're trying to create," and many are fascinated with this idea of "My Soulmate is forever." It's as long as your Souls decide to create with each other, and then your Souls will vibrate into a beautiful vision of "I am now free and clear of any and all vibrations that are no longer viable for me." #soul #soulwisdom #wesleysnipes
#soul #soulwisdom #wesleysnipes
Many will look to those visions of "unions of past" to see how they came upon those agreements. This is the rise of the union mindset. Right? "We're going to collectively unite." #negotiation #soulguidance #sag #soulwisdom
#negotiation #soulguidance #sag #soulwisdom
So you see how so many people lump everything into these big, general, broad categories of concern for themselves or for others. Right? And that's why those labels can often be very difficult for people to unwind because it feels like they have to change everything when, in essence, when you go through this process, you've already done a lot of your work. Most of your work has already been done through various means. #selflove #soul #soulwisdom
For all of us do indeed reside upon these Souls' visions that imagine a better future for us all. Whether or not your Soul's business is part of the plan is up to each of us to determine. For it is there that victory is held in many a mind of late. "Do I value myself and my business enough to hold it up through the 'storm of Soul' we are about to embark upon?" #soulwisdom #soulguidance #business
#soulwisdom #soulguidance #business
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#arnoldpalmer #soul #PGA #soulwisdom
#arnoldpalmer #soul #pga #soulwisdom
Let's prosper! #soul #soulwisdom #soulguidance
#soul #soulwisdom #soulguidance