According to a paper, in throat games of #Inuit people, there are frequent occurrences of natural sounds imitation, for example "sound of northern lights"...
Jean-Jacques Nattiez, Inuit Throat-Games and Siberian Throat Singing: A Comparative, Historical, and Semiological Approach, Ethnomusicology , Autumn, 1999, Vol. 43, No. 3, p. 404
#soundactivities #trivia #Inuit #ethnomusicology
A new article, not exactly ready, but worth mentioning. It is all about traditional musical games.
So far it mentions cultures: Ainu, Inuit, Japanese, Lummi, Maori, and Polish.
Please, if you know about any traditional games that let players make music (and considerably shape it -- a background song is not enough here ;) ) please let know in any available way. Serious sources are cool too! ;)
#ethnomusicology #musicology #music #games #soundactivities
We are targeted mainly at adults/YA, but some info for junior experimental musicians appears regularly in different parts of the web, like lately here:
#musicgames #soundactivities #children #musiceducation
We got photos from the recent music gaming meeting in Warsaw! (in case you had trouble imagining such a thing) ;)
Games photographed:
Tonic -- a published card game of musical tasks,
Stay in Character -- RPG-inspired timed improv,
Musical Tetris -- component-less challenging rhythm game with an ascetic sound result.
📷 Katarzyna Jedynak, Wolska Mozaika
#soundActivities #meetings #warsaw #WolskaMozaika #TonicGame #MusicalTetris
#soundactivities #meetings #warsaw #wolskamozaika #tonicgame #musicaltetris
The most recent entry on our wiki is all about The Daily Create: @tdc
Or rather, its small subset of interest to (our type of) music gamers.
Of course, it's _ready, but not final! You can edit with or without an account on #wikidot.
#wikidot #prompts #soundactivities #tdc #thedailycreate
Maybe the most intriguing #gameDesign aspect of #soundActivities is their natural tendency towards **#cooptionality**.
This feature is not that radical in #ttRPG but #gamesForMusic usually land closer to #boardgames, especially as for #mechanics and length, so that's an interesting opportunity.
Do you have thoughts on #cooptional #analogGames?
#tabletopGameDesing #boardGameDesign #ttrpgDesign #musicGameDesign
#gamedesign #soundactivities #cooptionality #ttrpg #gamesformusic #boardgames #mechanics #cooptional #analoggames #tabletopgamedesing #boardgamedesign #ttrpgDesign #musicgamedesign
This one is done with games available in G4M library, or published boxed title listed on our links page.
#music #games #musicGames #soundActivities #workshop #jamSession #meeting #warsaw #poland
#music #games #musicgames #soundactivities #workshop #jamsession #meeting #warsaw #poland
Five years of existence may seem long, but honestly, our wiki is even more of a long shot.
Apart from access to 🎶 🎲 , important aims are:
1) Let new people hear about this exciting area of creativity.
2) Provide some connectivity for those into the topic.
...and we need that, because...
Q: How to get to the philharmonic?
A: Playtest! Playtest! Playtest!
#selfPromo #G4Mis5 #joke #oldJoke #music #games #musicGames #soundActivities #playtesting #boardGameDesign
#selfpromo #g4mis5 #joke #oldjoke #music #games #musicgames #soundactivities #playtesting #boardgamedesign
Today is the 5th anniversary of our #GamesForMusic #wiki.
How it started:
How it's going:
For birthday gifts we accept "likes" on a quite outdated announcement video, or any suggestions for the future for the wiki. :)
Expect a few more toots about #G4M soon. ;)
#wikidot #creativeCommons #anniversary #musicGames #soundActivities #tabletopGameDesign #experimentalMusic
#gamesformusic #wiki #g4m #wikidot #creativecommons #anniversary #musicgames #soundactivities #tabletopgamedesign #experimentalmusic
Do you know about any events where you may play music games/game pieces/sound activities? 🎵 🎲
From all around the world? 🌐
Online or IRL? :) 💻 🪑
Right now G4M lists four events soon, Poland/U.K split (see our front page for details). Apart from these two most frequent areas for our info, we get some regular input from Japan, and other places rarely. :S There's got to be more! :)
#Zjava #OpenScoreClub #musicGames #gamePieces #soundActivities #impro @experimentalmusic #JamSession #workshop
#zjava #openscoreclub #musicgames #gamepieces #soundactivities #impro #jamsession #workshop
Musical Dominoes, 1893
#icymi #music #games #musicgames #soundactivities #dominoes
The starter version a #review for Trevor Wishart's #book "Sounds Fun: A Book of Musical Games" is up on the wiki now:
It may now be edited further (with or without an account), refined, corrected, and hopefully it will incorporate with time a few different points of view. :)
#review #book #music #games #soundactivities #mused
One of more #simpleAndPractical #soundActivities is called Dueling Bumblebees.
It comes from "Improvisation Games for Classical Musicians" by Jeffrey Agrell and there's a single rule:
> Improvise only with semitones.
As other #games from that #book, this helps non-improvising musicians (less choices, the result sounds fine).
Two horns play here:
Electric band plays here:
(10s downtime on mistake + drums play with "smallest intervals" available)
#simpleandpractical #soundactivities #games #book
Perfect Cadence is a cool and interesting prototype from Clarence Simpson.
The game includes app but (presumably after all, cause everything may change yet) just for playing out the musical result generated from the cards.
Here is a sell sheet, it gives quite a detailed idea:
#gameDesign #boardGameDesign #music #game #musicGames #soundActivities
#gamedesign #boardgamedesign #music #game #musicgames #soundactivities
Looking for #simpleAndPractical #soundActivities?
#PassTheSound is a great resource for every #music #workshop #facilitator! It is run in a few languages, but with English subtitles provided.
Project's page is sadly down, but we categorized their vids so you can have an overview here:
Or just go through their YouTube. Starting e.g. with one of the more practical #warmUps, The Echoing Well:
Good as a hint on a broad understanding of "music". ;)
#simpleandpractical #soundactivities #passthesound #music #workshop #facilitator #warmups
Hey :)
There is a #giveaway pinned to our profile. Standard stuff, a boost of that pinned toot + a reply to enter a #raffle.
A reply should have a suggestion (great ones so far). Thanks to those who take part already, and everyone is welcome to join for two more days (see there).
The prize #cardGame (physical real-life object ;) ) is a lot of fun!
#giveawayAlert #soundActivities #party #game #boardGame #sound #noises
#giveaway #raffle #cardgame #giveawayalert #soundactivities #party #game #boardgame #sound #noises
Tags are great to find our music games. Waiting for you at wiki's sidebar.
The most used one is "classic" which marks activities created before the year 2000 -- 111 items.
The least frequent is "random" for when players don't make any "in-game" decisions. Many such pieces exist, but usually fall outside of the library scope. Only 2 titles qualified.
If you ever need an activity for a specific usage, please let us find you something. :)
We want to have here a glimpse of different perspectives on music and games, and thanks for every help with finding those.
But it would be also cool to follow accounts that are "relatable", which in this case means, thinking music games, dreaming music games, breathing music games...
Ah, yes, an old thing...
This is the vid that marks the beginning of our #wiki. And now it also shows how much changed during the years.
#wiki #video #soundactivities #music #games #gamesformusic
You may think that all those
#audioGames are usually more paper than music (and you'd be kind of right). But you can listen to them too, and you know how they sound? They sound like fun! ;)
To hear for yourself, check out any non-12th episode from Auki: The Gamified Music Improvisation Podcast
Right now they make the fans wait for the next release, but a lot of #soundActivities are there already!
#audiogames #soundactivities #auki #aukipodcast #gamified #improvisation #podcast