Sophie McKeand · @SophieMcKeand
266 followers · 50 posts · Server

Less than a week to go until I arrive in Gothenburg for the last leg of this Swedish book tour. I’m at the Gothenburg Fringe Festivan on 7/8/9th Sept. more details here: come see me! Or tell your Gothenburg-based friends to come see me! Or give me a friendly boost. MWAH 💋 @bookstadon

#spokenword #performance #Poet #scifi #writer #novel #fieldrecording #soundartist

Last updated 1 year ago

Kim V Goldsmith · @kvgoldsmith
295 followers · 216 posts · Server

It’s been a huge few weeks covering about 2000 km in the process. Since late March I’ve installed and opened new work on the back of a year of creative concept development, guided a soundwalk through a rainforest, performed my sound compositions in front of a paying, seated audience and prepared a few works for exhibition and award opportunities. Not a lot of down time but the upside has been meeting some great people.

#soundart #soundartist #artexhibition #soundwalk #liveperformance #regionalnsw

Last updated 2 years ago

Andy Baker · @Andbaker
445 followers · 626 posts · Server

It was the opening of some new exhibitions at the Manning Regional Arts Gallery yesterday.

One of those is Vaticinor by Kim Goldsmith, which includes a collection of 18 audio stories about 'regional futures' here in New South Wales. I made one contribution.

The Regional Futures exhibition continues for several weeks in Taree, and then moves to Casula. You can read more about Vaticinor here.

#vaticinorstories #regionalfuturesnsw #regionalfutures #soundartist #soundart #groundwater #climatechange #manningvalleynsw

Last updated 2 years ago

hertzstrasse · @hertzstrasse
83 followers · 70 posts · Server

On the occasion of its 15th anniversary, the is organising a special evening at silent green: Japanese will present his 100

#faitichelabel #soundartist #asuna #keyboards #performance #experimentalmusic #drone

Last updated 2 years ago

Kim V Goldsmith · @kvgoldsmith
293 followers · 213 posts · Server

This gorgeous thing, a Barking owl, was camped in my carport this morning - the studio dog and I spooked it as we were heading out for a walk. Thankfully it hung around in the trees next to the house so I could get a shot at it. I heard it calling just before I got up, and I'm hoping that if I put out a recorder overnight, I might get lucky...🎤🦉

#birdsofoz #barkingowl #fieldrecording #soundartist

Last updated 2 years ago

Kim V Goldsmith · @kvgoldsmith
288 followers · 193 posts · Server

12 months' work exploring issues in front of Regional NSW in the transition to a post-carbon future will be on show and up for discussion at the Manning Regional Art Gallery in Taree, opening 23 March. The official opening is Sat 25 March, plus I'm guiding a soundwalk the evening before.


#digitalmediaartist #soundartist #storyteller #regionalnsw #ecoart #artexhibition

Last updated 2 years ago

Kim V Goldsmith · @kvgoldsmith
283 followers · 187 posts · Server

Recording is now underway for the 🦇 project I'm getting started on, monitoring insect-eating bats. I've been tasked with recording on an off-road bush track. Just as well I have a few of those! I have two AudioMoths on the job until Tuesday, as I've configured my recorder with the same settings as the one provided for this citizen science project, and to cover another section of the track. I'll make the 'who's behind the project' info more public once I know more about how the creative part of this project is going to take shape

And I'm looking for 🦇 stories - more so from people who really don't like them for whatever reason. I'd love to hear why. Message me!

#bats #Chiroptera #microbats #batecology #ecoart #environmentalart #socialecology #bioacoustics #acousticecology #batenvironments #regionalnsw #regionalarts #artproject #ecopulse #soundartist #soundart #fieldrecording

Last updated 2 years ago

Cash Mattock · @cashmattock
125 followers · 28 posts · Server
Cash Mattock · @cashmattock
125 followers · 28 posts · Server
Kim V Goldsmith · @kvgoldsmith
271 followers · 177 posts · Server

I've got a new project starting to take shape that's a little batty 🦇 Well, it's about bats, but I'm not sure exactly what about bats just yet. But, what I do know is that my practice has a process that includes a lot of background reading, research, as well as searching and gathering stories.

I'm starting with this question: Do you have a bat story and how has it shaped your feeling about bats?

It might be a folk tale, a traditional story passed down to you or a contemporary one based on an experience...I have plenty of my own! I'd love to hear from you.

In the meantime, I'm reading, going down rabbit holes, having lots of conversations with people passionate about bats, and thinking back over my own fascination with these creatures, who have surprisingly popped up in my work quite a bit over the years—including more recently through the Regional Futures project.

This image is called 'Vespertilian' (meaning like or relating to bats). It's a 120 x 90cm lightbox image that I created in 2010 from a photograph of a dead bat I found on my driveway. The original work hangs in my bathroom. A few smaller, limited edition versions also made their way into the world as wrapped aluminium prints.

More to come on this new project, but in the meantime, I'd love you to message me if you have a story you'd like to share 🦇

#bats #Chiroptera #batecology #acousticecology #soundartist #soundart #fieldrecording

Last updated 2 years ago

Cash Mattock · @cashmattock
111 followers · 24 posts · Server
Kim V Goldsmith · @kvgoldsmith
253 followers · 153 posts · Server

2023 started the right way. I was determined to get a first light recording on 1 January with my new Sonorous Objects SO.4 ultrasonic omni mics, but given how restricted my movement is at the moment with this bloody sciatica, I had to settle on not going too far from home and recording the birds I hear every morning around our house. We’re in a periurban area, only 5km from the edge of housing estates in Dubbo, surrounded by bush and small grassy clearings that are home to a diverse number of woodland birds. It is incredible to wake to this song each day, if you can ignore the neighbours’ barking dogs and a mob of sheep next door. Memo to self…look for ants when dropping the kit in the dark next time. When I came back at sunrise, the Zoom F6 was covered in little black ants 🐜🐜🐜 This is just a short sample of what first light sounds like here at the moment.

#soundartist #soundscapes #fieldrecording #ozbirds

Last updated 2 years ago

Cash Mattock · @cashmattock
58 followers · 12 posts · Server
Cash Mattock · @cashmattock
26 followers · 5 posts · Server
Iain Sarjeant · @iainsarjeant
412 followers · 148 posts · Server

Starting the day with an ambient classic - 'Logue' by Nairobi/Berlin based musician/sound artist KMRU, or Joseph Kamaru. Just brilliant... - check out Joseph's other albums too!

#music #ambient #ambientmusic #soundartist #KMRU

Last updated 2 years ago

Cash Mattock · @cashmattock
12 followers · 4 posts · Server
Meg A (she/her) · @oct10pus
17 followers · 45 posts · Server
Kim V Goldsmith · @kvgoldsmith
219 followers · 109 posts · Server

2022 has been a big year, with so many highs and people to thank—none of what I do happens in a vacuum. I needed to remind myself of this after bad news on the project funding front in the past 2 weeks that will mean some things planned for next year won't be happening. However, there's still much in the pipeline from this year's beginnings, and some great things planned for 2023 in the shape of exhibitions and my residency on Skye.

In the meantime, I'm quietly working on finishing works for a show in March, and taking time to recharge the batteries.

Thank you to all who were part of my 2022—there's a long list of names in the end frame of the video and I'm sure I have missed people. My apologies - you are valued.

#soundartist #digitalmediaartist #2022inreview #storyteller #fieldrecording #australianarts

Last updated 2 years ago

Kim V Goldsmith · @kvgoldsmith
214 followers · 103 posts · Server

A stunning morning spent by the brown waters of the Wambuul Macquarie River yesterday recording stories about the future of the regions from some of the newer residents of Dubbo. Different perspectives from the 13 other stories recorded so far, which has made this aspect of my Regional Futures project so interesting and important. One of my takeaways from this morning’s three conversations is climate change is really only being discussed by the privileged despite the greatest impacts being on those simply trying to put a roof over their head and food on the table. That doesn’t seem like an equitable future. Re-listening to them today as I edit. Powerful stories.

#audiostories #storymapping #fieldrecording #soundartist #storyteller #regionalnsw

Last updated 2 years ago

just listened to a short interview with and Peter Ablinger - Such a playful relationship with musical dystopia.

"Music is over -
Like a view from outside music, a view from outside of it… The view that music is over, gives me such a view, a utopian possibility that music is gone, that we don’t have music any more, but we still have a historic look on it, or we have a desire, of something that we have lost.. " (GRINNING)

#composer #soundartist

Last updated 2 years ago