This is my vocal booth. It’s a bit messy right now. I was recording guitars, so the guitar cabinet and Telefunken mic are under a sound blanket, for additional sound isolation.
The whole sound booth is floating on the floor, and the ceiling is also isolated. The window leads to the control room. I usually mount a video monitor on the other side of the window, so I can control Pro Tools from inside the booth, when I’m singing.
PPS: Aaaaand I just realized, hours later, that I included absolutely no hashtags in this thread about #audiobooks and #audiobookproduction. Sooo … lemme do that here!
#audiobook #audiobooknarrator #labor #voiceover #voiceacting #audioproduction #indie #royaltyshare #acx #pickups #soundbooth #narration
#audiobooks #audiobookproduction #audiobook #audiobooknarrator #labor #voiceover #voiceacting #audioproduction #indie #royaltyshare #acx #Pickups #soundbooth #narration
どうせ変えるなら、こっちのアイコンが好きだ。 #AdobeCC
#Soundbooth や #Fireworks があって、 #Audition と #PremirePro が無いとか古い感じだけど。。。
#premirepro #audition #fireworks #soundbooth #adobecc