Want to get your hands on any of the Date Night games, or support the development of new projects like #SoundclashRPG?
RT @therisingtithes
Here you can find some of my other RPGs available for your perusal, including the announcement page for #SoundclashRPG, as well as my Date Night games if you're looking for something full of monstrous feelings for a nice Hallow…
There's only 19 hours left in this month's Creator Day sale over on Itch!
Buy some of my stuff and help me keep making more of it! Your support goes a long way to helping me make #SoundclashRPG, #HeroRevRPG & more--plus pay bills & live!
Check out the sale page here ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Wanna support my development of #SoundclashRPG & #HeroRevRPG, among other TTRPG projects?
A good way to do so is to get your hands on some of my games via this month's Itch Creator Day UnSale! Get a bundle of my games $10 off!
Find out more below ⬇️⬇️⬇️
So if you want updates about #SoundclashRPG (or the other games I'm working on, of which one has particularly been cooking in my brain!) you can check out https://therisingtithes.itch.io or https://patreon.com/therisingtithes for more!
Sometimes I can forget that I am on a panel because I Make Things That People Might Like, so hearing Chris ask eagerly about #SoundclashRPG with such deep interest and insight reminds me to be a more zealous advocate for my games, and the games of my amazing peers!
Here you can find some of my other RPGs available for your perusal, including the announcement page for #SoundclashRPG, as well as my Date Night games if you're looking for something full of monstrous feelings for a nice Halloween get-together for two:
If you didn't already know, the homie @KatiePeak (who some of you may know as River Song--no relation--in #SoundclashRPG: #TheClampdown) is also a kickass standup comic! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFEq6LrAx3Q
One thing I’ve really felt this weekend is a renewed desire to see what #SoundclashRPG can do when it’s finally finished, and hopefully being able to experience the joy of sharing it for real that I heard in the voices of so many other folks talking about their own work.
RT @therisingtithes
A reminder that since my bank’s still up to some high-tier shenanigans, if you want to support my creative work you can join my Patreon for #SoundclashRPG updates, donate to my PayPal, check my Itch, or buy my shiny poetry book (the 1st anniversary of which is approaching soon!)! https://twitter.com/therisingtithes/status/1420203727764475906
A reminder that since my bank’s still up to some high-tier shenanigans, if you want to support my creative work you can join my Patreon for #SoundclashRPG updates, donate to my PayPal, check my Itch, or buy my shiny poetry book (the 1st anniversary of which is approaching soon!)!
RT @therisingtithes
👋🏿! I'm Brandon O'Brien, a writer, poet & game designer from 🇹🇹! Here's how you can support my work:
Patreon: https://patreon.com…
My game design work on #SoundclashRPG and other TTRPG projects, my writing, and more benefit greatly from your support. Especially right now, a donation via Ko-Fi would be grand, but there are various ways to support my work here!
RT @therisingtithes
👋🏿! I'm Brandon O'Brien, a writer, poet & game designer from 🇹🇹! Here's how you can support my work:
Patreon: https://patreon.com/therisingtithes
PayPal: https://paypal.me/brando…
Want to learn more about the development of #SoundclashRPG, including updates about when the playable draft will be completed?
Please support this and my other TTRPG design work via Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/therisingtithes) or Ko-Fi (https://ko-fi.com/therisingtithes)!
SOUNDCLASH, a Forged in the Dark game of music, magic, and sticking it to the Man, now has a landing page on Itch!
Check it out for more information about future updates via my Patreon, & a reminder to watch Soundclash: The Clampdown!
And of course, I'm still working on my own projects in the lab, and it gives me great joy to see folks play my games, so my very big dream is to just watch all you badasses play #SoundclashRPG - but first it needs to be finished! And I'm working on it! I promise!😅
Sooooooooooooo I tried to rectify the technical difficulties and then they began to multiply. The Frequency was not with us tonight, but Achordial Eclectic will be back with our next session of #SoundclashRPG: #TheClampdown very soon. Thank you for your patience!
RT @therisingtithes
Sadly, what were once mild annoying technical difficulties have just compounded—but hopefully tonight’s session of #SoundclashRPG: #TheClampdown wi…
Sadly, what were once mild annoying technical difficulties have just compounded—but hopefully tonight’s session of #SoundclashRPG: #TheClampdown will be back in a bit!
Achordial Eclectic is back! Well, Eva is still at dinner, and the rest of the gang has recently learned quite a bit about WIERDER, so very soon it'll be time to face the music!
Come join us for #SoundclashRPG: #TheClampdown at 7pm EDT over at http://twitch.tv/ArvanEleron!
Supporting me on Patreon gives you access to exclusive poetry and a glance at some of my game design work, including on #SoundclashRPG as well as other upcoming projects! https://www.patreon.com/posts/design-skill-55538778?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=postshare
My game design work on #SoundclashRPG and other projects, my writing, and other aspects of my work benefit greatly from your support. I would be beyond grateful if you supported me via Patreon, PayPal, or by buying my games on Itch or my debut poetry book:
RT @therisingtithes
👋🏿! I'm Brandon O'Brien, a writer, poet & game designer from 🇹🇹! Here's how you can support my work:
Patreon: https://patreon.com/therisingtithes
As I process some #SoundclashRPG stuff, here's tonight's tunes, because SCANDAL rocks: