Video https://youtu.be/fUXVijUZAJg
Blog https://blog.illestpreacha.com/sciartseptember2023gossamer
For the tenth prompt of SciArtSeptember2023: "Gossamer",Intertwining Webs that may have a future to tell with the information from the present.
Coded with #LiveCodeLab & #SonicPi
The webs may tell a future
An insight into the culture
With the ability
The personality
The characteristics
For a futuristic tale to drink
To sip
To unravel
The future that it is to tell
#sciartseptember #sciartseptember10 #sciartseptember2023 #creativecoding #coding
#newmedia #soundscape #soundesign #sciart #monthlychallenge #gossamer
#livecodelab #sonicpi #SciArtSeptember #sciartseptember10 #sciartseptember2023 #creativecoding #coding #newmedia #soundscape #soundesign #sciart #monthlychallenge #gossamer
Blog https://blog.illestpreacha.com/sciartseptember2023heart
Audio: https://soundcloud.com/llestreacha/simianchoir
For the ninth prompt of SciArtSeptember2023: "Heart", By layering the sonifications of the heart, the inner rhythm of Zenthian is being explored. Coded in #SonicPi
Symphonies of the Heart
It tells the a whole
It explains a part
The symphonies contain whole episodes
As the parts find a place
Find a pace, find a space
For it to have its story told
#sciartseptember #sciartseptember8 #sciartseptember2023 #creativecoding #coding
#newmedia #soundscape #soundesign #sciart #monthlychallenge #heart
#sonicpi #SciArtSeptember #sciartseptember8 #sciartseptember2023 #creativecoding #coding #newmedia #soundscape #soundesign #sciart #monthlychallenge #heart
Audio: https://soundcloud.com/llestreacha/simianchoir
For the eighth prompt of SciArtSeptember2023: "Simian", The Simians located on the Planet Zenthian have at times been recorded singing in a choir. Coded with #SonicPi
They Howl in Unison
They grunt in Union
The dissection of the intersection
Isn’t needed for this reflection
Or any introspection
As the Simian Choir
Aims to Pitch Higher
#sciartseptember #sciartseptember8 #sciartseptember2023 #creativecoding #coding
#newmedia #soundscape #soundesign #sciart #monthlychallenge #animals #simian
#sonicpi #SciArtSeptember #sciartseptember8 #sciartseptember2023 #creativecoding #coding #newmedia #soundscape #soundesign #sciart #monthlychallenge #animals #simian
For the Rest of the SciArt Series: https://blog.illestpreacha.com/series/sciartseptember2023
For the fourth prompt of SciArtSeptember2023: "Cold Blooded", We are hearing sound recordings of some of the insects and aquatic animals as they are cold-blooded on a warm Zenthian Night, transcribed/coded in SonicPi.
Heard throughout
Heard in the depths of the inner thoughts
In monsoon and droughts
For they are around
For they are buzzing
Crawling and flossing
In between the seams
Scenes and sometimes produce streams
Of anxious from up to down
Corner to corner
When the temperature gets cold or warmer
For they are heard throughout
#sciartseptember #sciartseptember4 #sciartseptember2023 #creativecoding #coding
#newmedia #soundscape #soundesign #sciart #monthlychallenge #insects #animals
#SciArtSeptember #sciartseptember4 #sciartseptember2023 #creativecoding #coding #newmedia #soundscape #soundesign #sciart #monthlychallenge #insects #animals
This sound redesign has been such a blast to work on. I challenged myself to use a lot of my own voice on the creature design, and I think it turned out super creepy! Just a few more squelches/final touches & it'll be horror-ific!
#gameaudio #soundesign #deadspace #soundeffects
Ecco il video del gameplay, nel caso qualcuno se lo fosse perso (e tramite Santo #Invidious si può vedere anche senza registrarsi su YT 😃 )
La cosa che mi ha sconvolto più di tutte è la parte del crafting e personalizzazione delle astronavi, un sogno per qualsiasi appassionato di #scifi, ma anche il #soundesign e come è gestito il gameplay in generale mi pare superlativo, un senso di libertà e freerun senza precedenti. Vedremo se non deluderà le (altissime) aspettative
Using 2C Kaleidoscope again with presets I made ages ago based on photographs I took of a Rolls Royce Merlin Spitfire engine! (of all things!)
Guitar Rig should maybe just be called 'Sound Rig'? it's a mighty powerful tool for absolutely anything, especially with the tools and modifiers!
Broad quick strokes and then the
#soundesign #mixing #production #creative
The back of our dead fridge was hiding some nasty sounds as well #soundesign #fieldrecording