Thankful Pond · @thankfulpond
150 followers · 269 posts · Server

@DuBusGuy19 Yup. And as helpful as can be, occasionally it bombs.


Last updated 1 year ago

Needed to do some fuzzy matches in with a 5000+ row array to account for differently spelled company names across two APIs. Played with , and in . Found similar_text worked best by far for this perhaps. Ended up using array_walk to accomplish this with ease. Would love to hear others experiences in doing fuzzy matches between arrays.

#laravel #levenshtein #soundex #similar_text #php

Last updated 2 years ago

Calculating Florida DL#'s

Florida driver's license numbers, for better or worst, can be calculated by hand if you know three things about them:

🔎Name (First MI Last)
🔎Date of Birth
🔎Gender at birth

Florida DL# number have the format of


🅰️ → First letter of last name
#️⃣#️⃣#️⃣ → Soundex of rest of last name
✴️✴️✴️ → Soundex of first name + MI
✳️✳️ → Last two of birth year
⚧️⚧️⚧️ → DOB + birth gender
0️⃣ → [0-9] Zero usually, overflow for duplicate id

#s #osint #soundex #dl #florida #fl #investigation #catsalad

Last updated 2 years ago

Walt Williams · @astralcomputing
10 followers · 23 posts · Server

As Director of Information Systems for the NM Secretary of State, my team was the first in the nation to connect a SOS office to the Internet and allow the public to search our UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) & Trademarks/Trade-names databases that were running internally on an old IBM System 360

We were also the first to use a "Soundex" search for the UCC searches making them much easier to find.

#introduction #ibm #system360 #Novell #sql #cobol #soundex #ucc #trademarks #tradenames

Last updated 2 years ago