· @cagibidev
181 followers · 160 posts · Server mastodon.gamedev.place

Apparently someone took the time to compile all of Super Paper Mario's instruments and sound effects into a soundfont. musical-artifacts.com/artifact
Thanks, Gfdgsgxgzgdrc! (that's the compiler's name)

#gamemusic #soundfont

Last updated 1 year ago

Anomie Train · @anomietrain
9 followers · 690 posts · Server vocalounge.cafe

I have a JV-1010, but since I only have one input working in my audio interface, I can't really record from it (unless I want to do it mono which I don't).

But...! I downloaded this player vst (juicysfplugin from GitHub) and also a soundfont that some guy created by ripping the samples from the Roland JV-1010!

Isn't that cool? I can use it now in my !

#roland #soundfont #daw

Last updated 1 year ago

487 followers · 1725 posts · Server mastodon.moule.world

I've found numerous online about how to import files in but they were quite confusing! Here's how I did it:

1. Go to /Home/Music/'Audio Music Apps' and create a folder called "SoundFont Samples" if it isn't there already.
2. Download the sound font from smwcentral.net/?p=viewthread&t and put it in there.
3. Open Logic Pro and go to Mixer > (select any track) > Input > Sampler (Multi-Sample) > drop-down menu to the right of the power button > SM64SF.V2 sf2.bk!

#tutorials #soundfont #logicpro #tutorial

Last updated 1 year ago

ОАЮ Творения · @oandr88
15 followers · 440 posts · Server mastodon.ml

Вай-вай-вай! Почему этот ни в какую не хочет с моим ? Ну, просто в упор не видит... Вот ж ведь !

#попадья #патчи #банком #дружить #oscillator #soundfont #нехороший

Last updated 2 years ago

a.Albi · @albinanigans
928 followers · 2427 posts · Server mastodon.lol
Blort · @Blort
796 followers · 8056 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

For all the digital musicians out there, how do you go about organizing your soundfonts so you can reasonably find what you're wanting?

I find myself wishing I could have soundfonts tagged and then search for something relevant like I can with emojis here in Mastodon. (eg. drums, or tribal or vocal)

How to people normally deal with finding the right soundfont for the job?

#lmms #ardour #soundfont #musicproduction #daw

Last updated 2 years ago

NS MIDI Player · @nsmidiplayer
1 followers · 1 posts · Server indieapps.space

Hello Mastodon world! 🐘

NS MIDI Player is a simple MIDI player for iOS and macOS. Get it today at apps.nitinseshadri.com/midipla

#iOS #macos #midi #smf #midiplayer #soundfont #maccatalyst

Last updated 2 years ago

Gökhan · @gokhan
10 followers · 10 posts · Server noc.social

Tamamen kullanarak üzerinde soundfontlar ile yaptığım demosundan bir kesit.

Özgür yazılımlar kullanarak ortaya çıkardığınız şeyleri mümkün oldukça paylaşmanızı öneririm. Böylece özgür yazılımla tanışmamış insanlara özgür yazılımlar ile neler yapılabileceği hakkında fikir vermiş olursunuz.

Tamamen CC0 soundfontlar kullanıyorum ve ortaya çıkardığım şeyler de genelde CC0.

#özgüryazılım #ardour #Müzik #freesoftware #libre #music #musicproduction #daw #soundfont #cc0 #LiquidSFZ #jack #JackKeyboard

Last updated 2 years ago

VJuno · @jundurg
42 followers · 209 posts · Server mastodon.lol

I spent another day hyperfixated on extending my custom sound font ... and I am up to 20+ instruments, all made of home-recorded sounds of random stuff that is in my room...

Now, ehem ... I need to actually compose stuff with it, so it was worth the effort. (Okay, who am I kidding, I enjoyed playing around with noises already)


Last updated 2 years ago

Tuxicoman · @tuxicoman
1324 followers · 14634 posts · Server social.jesuislibre.net

Je cherche une version d'essai de si vous avez ça à tout hasard.



Pour l'instant j'ai ce
de Rhodes qui est pas mal: bandshed.net/sounds/sfz/stereo

#keyscape #soundfont #piano #vst #music

Last updated 3 years ago

Tuxicoman · @tuxicoman
1342 followers · 14846 posts · Server social.jesuislibre.net

Je cherche une version d'essai de si vous avez ça à tout hasard.



Pour l'instant j'ai ce
de Rhodes qui est pas mal: bandshed.net/sounds/sfz/stereo

#keyscape #soundfont #piano #vst #music

Last updated 3 years ago

TOV · @textovervideo
130 followers · 489 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Qsynth is a fluidsynth GUI front-end application written in C++ around the Qt framework using Qt Designer. Eventually it may evolve into a softsynth management application allowing the user to control and manage a variety of command line softsynth but for the moment it wraps the excellent FluidSynth. FluidSynth is a command line software synthesiser based on the Soundfont specification.

#qsynth #cpp #soundfont #fluidsynth #qt #qtdesigner

Last updated 3 years ago

Banjos & Such · @mayor
157 followers · 2117 posts · Server banjo.town

Because I keep forgetting how to do this, and the obscure forum URL I have bookmarked for this is bound to go away sooner or later, here is how to convert a to data (which can then be encoded to anything you like using ; in this example) with :

timidity -T 100 inputfile.mid -Ow -o - | ffmpeg -y -i - -ab 128k "outputfile.mp3"

Where the '-T' value is tempo percentage; 100 does nothing in this case, but 200 would double the tempo, 50 would halve it, etc.

The other part of the timidity toolchain is having the installed, and configuring timidity to use it. (wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/T)

I think most distros have timidity/freepats packages.

#audio #linux #soundfont #freepats #timidity #mp3 #ffmpeg #wav #midi

Last updated 4 years ago

LibraZiK · @LibraZiK
224 followers · 1807 posts · Server mastodon.xyz

👨‍🎤 🎧 🎼 🎹 🥁 🎷 🎺 🎸 🎻 🎚 🎛 🎵 🎶

🇫🇷 La version 2 de la banque de son au format est disponible dès maintenant dans -3.

🇬🇧 Version 2 of the SFZ No Budget Orchestra is now available in LibraZiK-3.


#NoBudgetOrchestra #sfz #librazik #soundfont #linuxmao #linuxaudio #NBO

Last updated 4 years ago