Stooping to the level of those we oppose...
"The Day I Tried to Live" – Soundgarden
#Music #soundgarden #metal #ChrisCornell
Another addition to the ever growing list of guitars I really like the look of but don't technically *need*... (although I am between SGs right now...)
Today was a slow and lazy Sunday, so I watched this video about the early days of grunge that @Theblueone shared, which is pretty interesting:
That one led me then to this video about #Soundgarden and #Nirvana over on Rick Beato's channel. It's a bit long-ish but a lot of fun listening to stories about the two bands' early days. Apparently, early Soundgarden was trying to find a good singer while they had Chris Cornell on the drums. 😅
I'm saying good night with some Soundgarden
#onthestereo #soundgarden #goodnight
Like Suicide - #Soundgarden
Pocas veces se ha cerrado un disco de forma más grandiosa.
Hello hello les ami.e.s
Toujours sur la planète grunge, on ne peut pas oublier #Soundgarden et le talentueux #chriscornell (🖤). C’était non seulement un chanteur exceptionnel mais aussi un mec super. C’est notamment lui qui avait aidé Vedder, Gossard, Ament et McCready à se lancer avec leur projet commun Temple of the dog.
Bonne journée à toustes
Hij was in coma geraakt, en zijn hersenfuncties zouden nooit meer functioneren. Hij zou leven als een plant, en daarop besluit men de stekker uit te trekken.
Maanden later komt hun debuutalbum postuum uit. Het album #apple wordt bejubeld en ze worden gezien als één van de grondleggers van de #grunge.
Samen met #ChrisCornell van #Soundgarden en #EddieVedder de toekomstige zanger van #PearlJam, Pearl Jam had anders nooit bestaan, wordt als eerbetoon aan Andrew het project #TempleOfTheDog opgericht
#Apple #grunge #chriscornell #soundgarden #eddievedder #PearlJam #templeofthedog
Du kannst Dir eine der folgenden Bands zurückwünschen - welche wählst Du?
Choose one band to rise from the dead🔥 …
#soundgarden #typeonegative #boltthrower #death
My kid is into #Soundgarden and #AliceInChains the same way I was into #LedZeppelin and #PinkFloyd at his age, and I think it’s the coolest thing ever. 🎸
#pinkfloyd #ledzeppelin #aliceinchains #soundgarden
#hudebni_okenko_z_valasska (31/x) Pokud jste zažili devadesátky, tak s velkou pravděpodobností jste slyšeli hit rockové skupiny #Soundgarden #Black_hole_sun. ( Pokud skladbu náhodou neznáte, tak tady ji máte 😉 ) A i když je originál výborný, tak jazzová úprava od #Chilly_Gonzales je minimálně stejně dobrá, ne-li lepší 🧑🎤 ( hudba začíná od 1m20s ) Posuďte sami 😋
#hudebni_okenko_z_valasska #soundgarden #black_hole_sun #chilly_gonzales
#GreatAlbums1990s – TOP 20 - #Soundgarden - #Superunknown (1993). With its dark afflictions of angst and depression on tracks like “Black Hole Sun” and “Fell on Black Days,” Superunknown was an exorcism of emotion for the masses. Developing their metal-meets-rock lexicon, Soundgarden piledrives through tricky tunings and time signatures (“My Wave” manages to be heavy plus funky in 5/4 time) to prove themselves one of the finest rock bands of the 90s or any other era.
#grunge #greatrockalbums #Superunknown #soundgarden #greatalbums1990s
Randomly played "King Animal" by #Soundgarden today after not listening to it for years. It's excellent. Hard to believe we'll never get another one -_-
Sad to hear about his passing. Think I've still got a few of his posters from the 90's in storage somewhere.
#Art #Nirvana #Soundgarden #JesusLizard #BeastieBoys
#art #nirvana #soundgarden #jesuslizard #beastieboys
Remembering Chris Cornell, born 20 July 1964.
#ChrisCornell #Audioslave #Soundgarden #OnThisDayInMusic #MastoArt
#MastoArt #onthisdayinmusic #soundgarden #Audioslave #chriscornell
Been getting back into Soundgarden lately so I was super pleased to find the 3rd season ending of Superman & Lois finishing up with a super (pun intended) fight montage with Blow Up The Outside World. Great choice for such a cliffhanger.
Glad the show finally turned on the drama at the end, but I'll be honest, it was getting a little dull with no action.
Bonne nuit les p’tits mammouths,
Que la nuit soit fraiche, à demain, si tout va bien…
Chris & Ben (Soundgarden) - Blow Up the Outside World
#pouetradio #soundcheck #soundgarden #live