Chapter 3 will feature the first ever remote-interview boss battle!
Read the devlog here:
#indiegames #VN #VisualNovel #ADV #soundnovel #interview #interviewtips
#interviewtips #interview #soundnovel #adv #visualnovel #vn #indiegames
The Poor Little Bird is a freeware "digital picture book" - effectively a visual/sound novel - released in Japan in 2002 and officially translated into English in 2005 by the Insani circle. I reviewed it in-depth last year. For those who are interested, the official torrent is still available although it may take a bit of time to acquire.
#visualnovel #soundnovel
#freeware #doujin #indie #newleafjournal #TheNewLeafJournal #wine #playonlinux
#playonlinux #wine #TheNewLeafJournal #newleafjournal #indie #doujin #freeware #soundnovel #visualnovel