***OTD 2022***
Michelle + Jeff joined Jay B. in the Canoecycle for a Giants game in MCCOVEY COVE!
We met a colorful cast of characters in the waters outside Oracle Park that day. LaMonte Wade, Jr., hit Splash Hit No. 97 feet away from us. It was a whole thing ...
Recordings we did on the water that day became Season 5's first podcast episode. Tomorrow, we'll post the final episode of the season, with Mini Bar's Erin Kehoe. Check this space for that.
And go to the link in our bio or your podcast app of choice to learn all about McCovey Cove.
Photography by Michelle Kilfeather
#baseball #McCoveyCove #SFGiants #waterlife #MLB #McCoveyCoveDave #LaMonteWadeJr #SplashHits #podcasts #SanFrancisco #SoundsofTheCity
#baseball #mccoveycove #sfgiants #waterlife #mlb #mccoveycovedave #lamontewadejr #splashhits #podcasts #sanfrancisco #soundsofthecity
What can we say? We *love* MINI BAR. We love it enough to have our first art show in three years there. Hungry Ghosts will feature 10 artists and photographers Aug. 17 through Oct. 17. There will be a music night *and* a poetry night (more on that later).
Meet John Ordoña, co-owner of Mini Bar. Get to know this born-and-raised San Franciscan in Part 1 at the link in our bio or your favorite podcast spot.
* being born in the Kaiser maternity ward where his mom worked* going to the "hat trick" of Catholic schools in SF* partying but also working his way through college* deciding to act on the idea of opening a bar in The City
Check back Thursday for Part 2 w/John.
Photography by Jeff Hunt
#AAPI #BIPOC #immigrants #CatholicSchool #Esprit #NorthFace #SusieTompkins #boxing #TenderloinSF #bars #SFbars #NoSFDoomLoop #Divisadero #MiniBarSF #storytelling #podcasts #SanFrancisco #SoundsofTheCity
#AAPI #bipoc #immigrants #catholicschool #Esprit #northface #susietompkins #boxing #tenderloinsf #bars #sfbars #nosfdoomloop #divisadero #minibarsf #storytelling #podcasts #sanfrancisco #soundsofthecity
Part 3 on the new Babylon Burning is up!
* the Dec. '22 fire and its aftermath
* getting their stuff stored
* operating out of other shops
* finding the new spot on Howard St.
* the amazing thank-you party they threw in May
Available now at the link in our bio and wherever you get #podcasts
Photography by Jeff Hunt
#screenprinting #smallbusinesses #printshops #SOMA #BabylonBurning #SFLegacyBusiness #BalboaTheater #art #artists #community #storytelling #SanFrancisco #SoundsofTheCity
#podcasts #screenprinting #smallbusinesses #printshops #soma #babylonburning #sflegacybusiness #balboatheater #art #artists #community #storytelling #sanfrancisco #soundsofthecity
Hear Part 2 w/BABYLON BURNING owners Mike Lynch and Judy Tam-Lynch from their new location on Howard Street!
* the COVID timeline for San Francisco's oldest screenprinter
* how they managed early days of the pandemic
* their gratitude for small businesses in The City
* the fire that nearly destroyed it all
Up now at the link in our bio and all the podcast apps!
Photography by Jeff Hunt
#screenprinting #smallbusinesses #SouthofMarket #LegacyBusinessesSF #COVID #pandemic #storytelling #SanFrancisco #SoundsofTheCity
#screenprinting #smallbusinesses #southofmarket #legacybusinessessf #covid #pandemic #storytelling #sanfrancisco #soundsofthecity
Check out Part 2 on the BAYVIEW OPERA HOUSE w/Programming Director Smiley:
* the history of the opera house, built in 1888
* how it became a hub for SF's Black community
* plans to demolish the building and Ruth Williams' efforts against it
* the many programs happening today at Bayview Opera House
BONUS: Hear from two folks who've been through BVOH's "Tools of the Trade" program: JOE KOOL and MISS WHITE: FIRST LADY OF FRISCO!
Link in bio/available on podcast apps!
Photos above:
1. Joe Kool, Miss White: First Lady of Frisco, Smiley photo by Jeff Hunt
2. Smiley
3. Newly renovated BVOH
4. Ruth Williams
5. Tools of the Trade grant writing cohort graduation
6. Space setting for the world premiere of 26 Ways of Looking at a Black Man featuring Sidney Outlaw
#BayviewSF #HuntersPointSF #theater #spokenword #hiphop #LowellHighSchool #BravaTheater #BIPOC #WOC #BayviewOperaHouse #ToolsoftheTrade #JoeKool #FirstLadyofFrisco #storytelling #SanFrancisco #SoundsofTheCity
#bayviewsf #hunterspointsf #theater #spokenword #hiphop #lowellhighschool #bravatheater #bipoc #woc #bayviewoperahouse #ToolsOfTheTrade #joekool #firstladyoffrisco #storytelling #sanfrancisco #soundsofthecity
BAYVIEW OPERA HOUSE Programming Manager Smiley joins us to talk about:
* her family's history and migration to San Francisco
* discovering theater and live performance at a young age
* being empowered as a Black woman
* understanding the complexities of racism and anti-Blackness
Link in bio/audio at all the podcast apps
Photography by Jeff Hunt
#Texas #Chicago #Haiti #BayviewSF #HuntersPointSF #FillmoreSF #theater #spokenword #hiphop #LowellHighSchool #BravaTheater #BIPOC #WOC #BayviewOperaHouse #storytelling #SanFrancisco #SoundsofTheCity
#texas #chicago #haiti #bayviewsf #hunterspointsf #fillmoresf #theater #spokenword #hiphop #lowellhighschool #bravatheater #bipoc #woc #bayviewoperahouse #storytelling #sanfrancisco #soundsofthecity
This short bonus episode fills you in on some recent stuff. Learn more about what we have planned as we wind down Season 5 and get ready for our first art show in more than three years!
And join us next week for an all-new episode about the Bayview Opera House.
(((link in bio/podcast apps/get it)))
#sanfrancisco #podcasts #soundsofthecity
🌳 Please join us for Part 2 w/FRIENDS OF THE URBAN FOREST. Link in bio and available on all the podcast apps.
Topics include:
* “green gentrification”
* FUF’s community outreach
* IDing where to plant trees
* trees’ ability to fight climate change effects
* how you can get involved
📸 Jeff Hunt
#trees #treeplanting #urbancanopy #ClimateChange #environmentalism #environmentaljustice #health #climate #ecology #UrbanEcology #nonprofits #BIPOC #WOC #storytelling #SoundsofTheCity
#trees #Treeplanting #urbancanopy #climatechange #environmentalism #environmentaljustice #health #climate #ecology #urbanecology #nonprofits #bipoc #woc #storytelling #soundsofthecity
[[[OUT NOW!!!]]]
Part 1 of our episode on San Francisco's WOMEN'S BUILDING.
We sat down with Content Specialist/Social Media Manager Maria Arteaga and Community Engagement Coordinator Kristen Acosta to talk about how they ended up here and the history of the building and women's movement in The City.
Available now at the link in our bio and all the #podcast apps.
Photography by Jeff Hunt
#1970s #feminism #MissionDistrict #womensmovement #WOC #BIPOC #LGBTQIA #WomensBuilding #storytelling #SanFrancisco #SoundsofTheCity
#podcast #1970s #feminism #missiondistrict #womensmovement #woc #bipoc #lgbtqia #womensbuilding #storytelling #sanfrancisco #soundsofthecity
***Don't miss April's new episodes!***
Apple: https://tinyurl.com/2d8vaj29
Google: https://tinyurl.com/y3eu8dbd
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/3y6z72bz
Mission Bowling Club: https://tinyurl.com/dk7xyk78
Club Fugazi/Dear San Francisco: https://tinyurl.com/5xnj3kpf
📸 Michelle Kilfeather
#Mendocino #Sacramento #Oakland #Berkeley #MiniBarSF #BIPOC #SmallBusinesses #BowlingAlleys #MissionDistrictSF #bowling #bartending #MissionBowlingClub #COVID19 #pandemic #publichealth #NorthBeachSF #ClubFugazi #TheloniousMonk #GratefulDead #BeachBlanketBabylon #PickleFamilyCircus #7Fingers #DearSanFrancisco #circusarts #acrobats #storytelling #SanFrancisco #SoundsofTheCity
#mendocino #sacramento #oakland #berkeley #minibarsf #bipoc #smallbusinesses #bowlingalleys #missiondistrictsf #bowling #bartending #missionbowlingclub #COVID19 #pandemic #publichealth #northbeachsf #clubfugazi #theloniousmonk #gratefuldead #beachblanketbabylon #picklefamilycircus #7fingers #dearsanfrancisco #circusarts #acrobats #storytelling #sanfrancisco #soundsofthecity
Meet Maya Kesselman Cruz and Dominic Cruz!
Maya and Dom are two current cast members of Dear #SanFrancisco, the incredible show taking place at Club Fugazi. They're also married to each other.
Listed to Part 2 at the link in our bio or wherever you get #podcasts.
Photo Michelle Kilfeather
#NorthBeachSF #ClubFugazi #7Fingers #DearSanFrancisco #circusarts #acrobats #storytelling #SanFrancisco #SoundsofTheCity
#sanfrancisco #podcasts #northbeachsf #clubfugazi #7fingers #dearsanfrancisco #circusarts #acrobats #storytelling #soundsofthecity
Coming up on the podcast tomorrow, we bring you Maya Kesselman Cruz and Dominic Cruz.
Maya and Dom are two current cast members of Dear #SanFrancisco, the incredible show taking place at Club Fugazi. They're also married to each other.
Catch Part 2 tomorrow wherever you get your #podcasts.
Photo Michelle Kilfeather
#NorthBeachSF #ClubFugazi #7Fingers #DearSanFrancisco #circusarts #acrobats #storytelling #SanFrancisco #SoundsofTheCity
#sanfrancisco #podcasts #northbeachsf #clubfugazi #7fingers #dearsanfrancisco #circusarts #acrobats #storytelling #soundsofthecity
Dear San Francisco Co-producer and Executive Director DAVID DOWER shares the history of CLUB FUGAZI!
* Opened as a dance and lecture hall in 1914
* Thelonious Monk recorded there!
* The Grateful Dead did an album release there!
* In 1974, Beach Blanket Babylon took over the space
* In 2021, Dear San Francisco opened there!
Audio up at link in bio as well as all the podcast joints.
📸 Michelle Kilfeather
#NorthBeachSF #ClubFugazi #TheloniousMonk #GratefulDead #BeachBlanketBabylon #PickleFamilyCircus #7Fingers #DearSanFrancisco #circusarts #acrobats #storytelling #SanFrancisco #SoundsofTheCity
#northbeachsf #clubfugazi #theloniousmonk #gratefuldead #beachblanketbabylon #picklefamilycircus #7fingers #dearsanfrancisco #circusarts #acrobats #storytelling #sanfrancisco #soundsofthecity
Part 2 of our chat with Mission Bowling Club's MOLLY BRADSHAW!
* Opening a bowling alley in 2012
* The community of alley operators
* The pandemic and MBC 's staff
* Molly's thoughts on what's next for SF
Up now at the link in our bio and the podcast spots.
📸 Michelle Kilfeather
#BIPOC #SmallBusinesses #BowlingAlleys #MissionDistrictSF #bowling #bartending #MissionBowlingClub #COVID19 #pandemic #publichealth #storytelling #SanFrancisco #SoundsofTheCity
#bipoc #smallbusinesses #bowlingalleys #missiondistrictsf #bowling #bartending #missionbowlingclub #COVID19 #pandemic #publichealth #storytelling #sanfrancisco #soundsofthecity
Get to know Mission Bowling Club's MOLLY BRADSHAW in Part 1 of our podcast on the six-lane bowling alley!
Audio at link in bio/podcast apps
📸 Michelle Kilfeather
#BIPOC #SmallBusinesses #BowlingAlleys #MissionDistrictSF #bowling #Mendocino #Sacramento #Oakland #Berkeley #bartending #MiniBarSF #MissionBowlingClub #storytelling #SanFrancisco #SoundsofTheCity
#bipoc #smallbusinesses #bowlingalleys #missiondistrictsf #bowling #mendocino #sacramento #oakland #berkeley #bartending #minibarsf #missionbowlingclub #storytelling #sanfrancisco #soundsofthecity
^^^ NEW EPISODE! ^^^
Part 2 w/Kavitha and Byron from 826 VALENCIA!
* in-depth talk about the nonprofit's work with public school kids
* children's book publishing and podcast producing
* 826's expansion, first in SF, then around the US
* the future of the organization
Up now at the link in our bio and all the podcast spots.
Photography by Michelle Kilfeather
#826Valencia #nonprofits #education #writing #creativewriting #pirates #storytelling #SanFrancisco #SoundsofTheCity
#826valencia #nonprofits #education #writing #creativewriting #pirates #storytelling #sanfrancisco #soundsofthecity
Photography by Jeff Hunt
#826Valencia #nonprofits #education #writing #creativewriting #pirates #storytelling #SanFrancisco #SoundsofTheCity
#826valencia #nonprofits #education #writing #creativewriting #pirates #storytelling #sanfrancisco #soundsofthecity
Photography by Michelle Kilfeather
Sound design by Kayla Anchell
#ManilatownSF #Filipinos #Filipinas #immigrants #migrantlabor #IHotel #InternationalHotel #gentrification #struggle #protest #labor #ManilatownHeritageFoundation #CarolineCabading #musicians #FillmoreSF #AAPI #storytelling #SanFrancisco #SoundsofTheCity
#manilatownsf #Filipinos #filipinas #immigrants #migrantlabor #ihotel #internationalhotel #gentrification #struggle #protest #labor #manilatownheritagefoundation #carolinecabading #musicians #fillmoresf #AAPI #storytelling #sanfrancisco #soundsofthecity
And check back next week for Part 2 with Caroline and the Manilatown Heritage Foundation.
Photography by Michelle Kilfeather
Sound design by Kayla Anchell
#Filipinos #Filipinas #ManilatownSF #KearnyStreet #TheIHotel #migrantworkers #immigrants #USimperialism #cheaplabor #displacement #gentrification #perseverance #strength #selfdetermination #AAPI #CarolineCabading #storytelling #talkstories #SanFrancisco #SoundsofTheCity
#Filipinos #filipinas #manilatownsf #kearnystreet #theihotel #migrantworkers #immigrants #usimperialism #cheaplabor #displacement #gentrification #perseverance #strength #selfdetermination #AAPI #carolinecabading #storytelling #talkstories #sanfrancisco #soundsofthecity
Photo by Michelle Kilfeather
#masturbation #sextoys #sexualliberation #LGBTQ #GoodVibrations #CarolQueen #storytelling #SanFrancisco #SoundsofTheCity
#masturbation #sextoys #sexualliberation #lgbtq #goodvibrations #carolqueen #storytelling #sanfrancisco #soundsofthecity