#NewMusicGathering is currently ongoing in #Portland
There are livestreams of concerts:
And here's the overall schedule:
with a few #soundwalks in the program.
#newmusicgathering #Portland #soundwalks #newmusic #festival #soundwalk #contemporarymusic
In the latest installment of PoP #podcast, my students and I talk to Dr. Aaron Trammell, Assistant Prof. of Informatics at UCI (and a friend of mine) about #soundwalks, the pioneering acoustic ecology of R. Murray Schafer, the #soundstudies blog SoundingOut!, Pork roll egg and cheese, and much more.
Check us out with the link below or wherever you get downloadable spoken word audio content.
#podcast #soundwalks #soundstudies
"This is an audio/visual story exploring the sounds of Mexico City’s streets. To begin, please connect headphones and choose a language."
#sound #soundwalks #streetsound # ambientsound #sonic #landscape
#sound #soundwalks #streetsound #sonic #landscape