Moving to a new home ❤️
I have always wondered why I had to be born with so much beauty, so much charisma and I might also add vast intelligence. Yes, it’s the cross I have to carry with me, a constant reminder to my beloved ones that I’m too good for them. So I had no choice but to buy Edinburgh Castle for 3 pips so I can look down at them from atop my throne.
#ADonutFitForAQueen #EdinburghCastle
#NeedsMoreTartan #SoupForTheSoul #satire #humour #influencer #yolo
#yolo #influencer #humour #satire #soupforthesoul #needsmoretartan #edinburghcastle #adonutfitforaqueen
Moving to a new home ❤️
I have always wondered why I had to be born with so much beauty, so much charisma and I might also add vast intelligence. Yes, it’s the cross I have to carry with me, a constant reminder to my beloved ones that I’m too good for them. So I had no choice but to buy Edinburgh Castle for 3 pips so I can look down at them from atop my throne.
#ADonutFitForAQueen #EdinburghCastle
#NeedsMoreTartan #SoupForTheSoul #satire #humour #influencer #yolo
#yolo #influencer #humour #satire #soupforthesoul #needsmoretartan #edinburghcastle #adonutfitforaqueen
Being a Piñita ain’t easy. After a while you start to smell. But what’s even harder is realising that some men just want to use me to enhance the taste of their baby juice. So I decided to come and relax in a spa. At least it’s something I can do for the smell, but certainly not for my 💔
#SoupForTheSoul #heartbroken #spa #humour #satire #parody
#parody #satire #humour #spa #heartbroken #soupforthesoul
One of our firm family favourites is Bill Granger's Puy Lentil Soup, from his book Sydney Food.
The flavour of this soup belies its simplicity. My daughter first made it when I was in London visiting with her, and it was an instant hit. It has sustained all of us through all the Winters since that time.
This past weekend, when I was suffering from a cold, she made it for me again. it was a perfect dish - hot, comforting and nourishing.
Here is one I made earlier. There are recipes online if you don't have the book.
#food #vegetarian #cookingau #soupforthesoul #whatiameating