Just found this analysis of a fraction of the stable diffusion source material. It's from last yyear but still an interesting read. #ai #stablediffusion #data #sourcematerial https://waxy.org/2022/08/exploring-12-million-of-the-images-used-to-train-stable-diffusions-image-generator/
#ai #stablediffusion #data #sourcematerial
Guardian、Die Zeit、SourceMaterial共同調査。
Revealed: more than 90% of rainforest carbon offsets by biggest provider are worthless, analysis shows
#カーボンニュートラル な飛行機に乗り、カーボンニュートラルなアイスクリームを食べ、カーボンニュートラルなテレビ番組を見、さらにはオフセットにお金を払うことで人生全体をカーボンニュートラルにすることができ、理論上は地球の大気を加熱する温室効果ガスの排出をすべてわずか数ポンド、ドル、ユーロで相殺することができる...
「多くの#カーボンオフセット の主張は真実ではない。これを止めなければなりません。」WWFの元代表であるマルコ・ランベルティーニは調査結果に対して述べている、という。
#気候変動 #Guardian #Zeit #SourceMaterial
#カーボンニュートラル #カーボンオフセット #気候変動 #guardian #zeit #sourcematerial
@majorlinux It's now more closed #AI in the sense of its current training #content. Of course available for users, If not for free, then for a fee.
A more #OpenAI will most likely emerge too, in some rather imminent phase. 🤔
#ai #content #openai #sourcebook #sourcebooks #sourcematerial #source
All the handwringing over
#AI is like early #Wikipedia.
In the late 90s, Wikipedia for information was considered completely #unreliable, #unorthodox, and #unacceptable.
Now I find things in Wikipedia that are far beyond anything ever in #EncyclopediaBritannica. The #dataquality and #utility are high. I read it as a starting point, and then I read #sourcematerial when I need more detail.
What AI doesn’t provide YET is #references to its content. AI simply needs a good #editor.
#editor #references #sourcematerial #utility #DataQuality #encyclopediabritannica #unacceptable #Unorthodox #unreliable #wikipedia #ai
Shared with Public We need far far more strict standards and enforcement. Open, democratic oversight of any such schemes is absolutely crucial. #greenwashing #carbonfraud #carboncredits #sourcematerial
#greenwashing #carbonfraud #carboncredits #sourcematerial
I use vintage postcards as the basis of my work. Here's one of the odder ones. It’s a Saga Motor Hotel in Anaheim. It’s right across the road from Disneyland, but you have to flip the card and read the extra-fine print to work that out. What the hell is going on here? Is Poirot about to reveal the identity of the murderer? Is this really going to convince anyone that this is the ideal place to stay for a family trip to the Mouse House? The sender of the card also casually announces the death of a friend after describing their holiday - you would be surprised how often you find such grim tidings on the back of an old postcard.
#postcard #anaheim #collecting #retro #disneyland #sourcematerial #artistprompt #writingprompt
#postcard #anaheim #collecting #retro #disneyland #sourcematerial #artistprompt #writingprompt