@fromtheendlessvoid @brassmusic It's possible that these are classed as Mellophones in an American Band(or have been dropped altogether?!) - here's the list of the brass line-up for the Ohio State University band -
12 E-flat #Cornets
51 B-flat #Trumpets
21 #Flugelhorns
28 #Mellophones
21 #Trombones
7 Bass Trombones
28 #Baritone Horns
28 #Sousaphones
That's a BBBIIIIIIIIIIGGGGG sound!!....but no mention of Marching French Horns!
#sousaphones #baritone #Trombones #mellophones #flugelhorns #trumpets #cornets
Um, speaking of #tubas, where today's well equipped protestors get their #sousaphones or #helicons? I'm looking for a CC or BBb (or F or Eb, or any kind of bass marching #tuba except a miraphone, tbh) somewhere in the UK. Used is fine, but not if its super old as those are heavy as hell.
#tubas #sousaphones #helicons #tuba #sousaphone #helicon