#Tunisia: a driver & one passenger died & 34 other passengers sustained injuries in Tuesday night's train derailment in #Msaken, #Sousse, said the communications director & spokesperson for #SNCFT, adding causes of accident are being investigated. http://www.tap.info.tn/en/Portal-Regions/16392620-sousse-two-killed
#Tunisia #msaken #sousse #sncft
#Tunisia: the Dina Preston Band are coming to the country to give free live concerts in #Djerba, #Gafsa, #Kairouan, #Sousse & #Tunis on May 22-27, with #Tunisian artists Houyem Ghattas & Yasser Jeradi, in a tour organised by @usembassytunis & @ECAatState http://www.tap.info.tn/en/Portal-Culture-and-Media/16290949-dina-preston-band
#Tunisia #djerba #gafsa #kairouan #sousse #tunis #tunisian
Sousse, Tunisia: TITO's pizza | Rating: 5 #pizza #sousse https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=35.7987563%2C10.5942196&query_place_id=ChIJFegj4tKL_RIR9-ShyM2yfIo
#Earthquake (#زلزال) M3.8 strikes 42 km SW of #Sousse (#Tunisia) 42 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1241716
#earthquake #زلزال #sousse #tunisia
#Earthquake (#زلزال) M2.5 strikes 25 km E of #Sousse (#Tunisia) 46 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1234311
#earthquake #زلزال #sousse #tunisia
#Tunisie - Des Coupures d'eau à #Sfax, #Mahdia, #Monastir ,#Nabeul et #Sousse du 10 janvier au 01 février 2023
#Tunisie #sfax #mahdia #monastir #nabeul #sousse
This year we managed to get away, the 1st time since that Covid. We took a relaxing break in Sousse, Tunisia.
Here is a view of one of the Souks in Sousse.
For ref: Tunisia is a fantastic country to visit. [Roman archaeology, Great markets, stunning beaches and most importantly friendly and lovely people]
#sousse #tunisia #souk #shopping #photography
⚫️ Quante volte - dopo la strage del #3ottobre 2013 a #Lampedusa - abbiamo sentito dire "MAI PIÙ"?Ieri tre morti su una barca partita dalla #Tunisia, intercettata e ricondotta a Sousse.Nel 2022 oltre mille persone hanno perso la vita nel #Mediterraneo centrale. MAI PIÙ?Alarm Phone: ⚫ Over the past days, Alarm Phone was alerted to several boats in distress that had left from #Tunisia seeking to reach #Italy. A boat with 41 people on board was intercepted to #Sousse yesterday. The survivors report to us that 3 people died during the journey. #BordersKill
#borderskill #sousse #italy #mediterraneo #tunisia #lampedusa #3ottobre
RT @juvess
Nouveau stade de #Sousse !
#مقبرة_الغزاة #ForzaEtoile #mabrouk #sousse
La ville de Sousse est candidate à l’accueil du Forum Mondial de l'ESS en 2023. Je relaie l'information de création d'un compte twitter et d'une page facebook destinés à cette candidature :
Le compte twitter : @EssSousse2023
Hashtag commun : #EssSousse2023 (A utiliser !!)
Page facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ESS-Sousse-2023-105220375203270/
N'hésitez pas à vous y abonner. Le site arrive prochainement pour déposer vos soutiens par écrit.
RT @meteo_tn@twitter.com
🔴 #VigilanceRouge pluie et inondations en #Sousse #Monastir et #Mahdia : soyez extrêmement prudents, les déplacements sont fortement déconseillés.
#mahdia #monastir #sousse #vigilancerouge
#concert #sommbati_groupe de #sousse au #theatre de #sfax pour le bénéfice d un centre de soutien d enfants défavorisés! https://www.instagram.com/p/B7zBo0bBL99/?igshid=2yuhvwer7mqz
#sfax #theatre #sousse #sommbati_groupe #concert
#concert #sommbati_groupe de #sousse au #theatre de #sfax pour le bénéfice d un centre de soutien d enfants défavorisés! https://www.instagram.com/p/B7zBo0bBL99/?igshid=2yuhvwer7mqz
#concert #sommbati_groupe #sousse #theatre #sfax