Photo of the Day 9th January 2023: ZS-SAL Boeing 747-244B, South African Airlines, taxiing past the Airport Hotel as it turns on to Runway 24 at Manchester Airport, some time in the 1990’s.
#Manchester #MAN #EGCC #AirportHotel #R24 #Boeing #B747 #SAA #SouthAfricanAirways #avgeek #aviation #planespotting
#manchester #man #egcc #airporthotel #R24 #boeing #b747 #saa #southafricanairways #avgeek #aviation #planespotting
Future of South African Airways remains blurred
The future of South African Airways (SAA) remains blurred. While the government stresses that the takeover deal with Takatso Consortium for
#Aerospace #acquisition #Aerospace #african #airways #blurred #future #GlobalAviation #HarithGeneralPartners #lift #MinistryofPublicInterests #NovickGidon #remains #SAA #south #SouthAfricanAirways #TakatsoConsortium #TshepoMahloele
#aerospace #acquisition #African #airways #blurred #future #globalaviation #harithgeneralpartners #lift #ministryofpublicinterests #novickgidon #remains #saa #south #southafricanairways #takatsoconsortium #tshepomahloele