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9 days 383km

Super friendly and helpful people.
Lots of cows, sheep and horses.
Tall hedges, we mostly only saw the narrow street and those very same green hedges.
Even in June it was so cold and wet that we wore warm jackets under our rain gear.
Very hard to find .
Many and products available.
Even if the country is on the pricier side, bicycle spares are quite affordable.

#england #travel #cyclingtheworld #vegan #glutenfree #drinkingwater #review #wales #southengland

Last updated 1 year ago

A ferry took us to Poole, . Like we did it almost every night, we tried to find a campspot in the little woods outside of town. Sadly, really every piece of land here is fenced and even the woods are filled with gates, barbwire, cameras and 'private, keep out' signs. (what are people scared of here?). So we ended up very late at a simple campground with a drunken ward, exhausted but happy to pitch our tent.
next day, at we found a bottlerefill station 😎

#drinkingwater #dorchester #southengland

Last updated 1 year ago