Global News BC: Man accused of following, posing with B.C. orcas, DFO investigating #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #DepartmentofFisheriesandOceans #SouthernResidentKillerWhale #killerwhaleharassment #southernresidentorca #southernresident #whaleregulations #orcaharassment #Environment #killerwhale #orcaharass #Wildlife #Orca #DFO
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #departmentoffisheriesandoceans #southernresidentkillerwhale #killerwhaleharassment #southernresidentorca #southernresident #whaleregulations #orcaharassment #environment #killerwhale #orcaharass #wildlife #orca #DFO
They grow up so fast ...
Here's J59 with her mom, J37 Hy'Shqa, in a photo from last March after she was born (side by side), and in a photo from 16 days ago (daughter in front).
I'm hoping the #SamishNation will hold their #potlatch naming ceremony soon; I want to refer to her by name, not number.
#PNW #SalishSea #SouthernResident #Orcas #StraitOfJuanDeFuca #Cetaceans #BritishColumbia #Washington #CenterForWhaleResearch
Photos: Copyright © 2022, 2023 Center for Whale Research
#centerforwhaleresearch #washington #britishcolumbia #cetaceans #straitofjuandefuca #orcas #southernresident #SalishSea #pnw #potlatch #samishnation
After 65 years of failing to generate a single kW, the process of removing the Enloe dam and opening up 340 miles of #salmon habitat in #Washington and #BritishColumbia was jumpstarted in December by an allocation of funds by #NOAA
Have #hope.
Keep the pressure on.
Support politicians willing to put our time, energy and money into remediating anthropogenic problems to secure all our futures.
#MariaCantwell #PattyMurray #JayInslee #Heroes #SouthernResident #Orcas #PNW #SimilkameenRiver
#similkameenriver #pnw #orcas #southernresident #heroes #jayinslee #pattymurray #mariacantwell #hope #noaa #britishcolumbia #washington #salmon
Global News BC: Inbreeding contributes to southern resident killer whale’s low population growth: study #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #southernresidentkillerwhaleinbreeding #SouthernResidentKillerWhales #Canadianendangeredspecies #EndangeredSpecies #endangeredwhales #southernresident #killerwhales #Environment #BCwildlife #Whales #Orcas
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #southernresidentkillerwhaleinbreeding #southernresidentkillerwhales #canadianendangeredspecies #endangeredspecies #endangeredwhales #southernresident #killerwhales #environment #BCwildlife #whales #orcas