"“He hated black people,” Sheriff T.K. Waters told a news conference. “There is absolutely no evidence the shooter is part of any larger group.”"
Perhaps Sheriff Waters is unaware of a lot of social media racism, discussion of lone wolf attacks, ...
This is part and pacel of a larger group of extreme racists emboldened by the messaging from #DeSantis2024, #trump , and other "conservative" politicians whose sole goal is to take power, and have no compunction about how to motivate potential supporters. #southernstrategy on steroids
#DeSantis2024 #trump #southernstrategy
"It’s a mistake to think Donald Trump turned the Republican Party into the dangerous anti-democratic movement it is today. The GOP’s descent into fascism was a lengthy process that was well underway when Trump was a young man in the 1970s helping his father discriminate against Black apartment seekers."
~ Marc Jacob
And, of course, Jacob begins with the Southern Strategy.
#Trump #Republicans #racism #WhiteSupremacy #SouthernStrategy #democracy
#trump #republicans #racism #whitesupremacy #southernstrategy #democracy
@M_U The #GOP ‘s disingenuous relationship with #Israel has nothing to do with #Qanon , and it started LONG before #DonaldTheDeplorable came on the scene.
It’s part of their #SouthernStrategy to appeal to #FakeChristians in the South, who habitually voted for Democrats since “Lincoln started the War of Northern Aggression!”
#gop #israel #qanon #donaldthedeplorable #southernstrategy #fakechristians #histodons
@black_intellect #SlaveStates in the expanded ‘#NewSouth ‘ only differ from the #OldSouth in the TYPES of #slavery (also expanded).
#SaveAmerica from #WhiteSupremacy and the #SouthernStrategy of #BananaRepublicans.
#slavestates #newsouth #oldsouth #slavery #saveamerica #whitesupremacy #southernstrategy #bananarepublicans
Democrats are trying to win over the traditionally red state of North Carolina
#NPRNews #NorthCarolinaDemocrats #PoliticalShift #SouthernStrategy #2024Election #PurpleState #Politics #News
#nprnews #northcarolinademocrats #politicalshift #southernstrategy #2024election #purplestate #politics #news
This week on #UnsungHistory, with guest Kevin M. Kruse, we look at the Southern Strategy, the systematic and well-documented approach the Republican Party used win over white voters in the South, leading to the realignment of the two political parties over several decades.
🎧: https://www.unsunghistorypodcast.com/southern-strategy/
#History #USHistory #PoliticalHistory #Politics #SouthernStrategy #Nixon #Goldwater #Reagan #DeepSouth #Podcast #Podcasts #histodons
#unsunghistory #history #ushistory #politicalhistory #politics #southernstrategy #nixon #goldwater #reagan #deepsouth #podcast #podcasts #histodons
Rural Americans Are Losing Hospitals Because Republicans Are Refusing To Expand Medicaid
Mississippi has rejected federal funds to expand Medicaid and rural hospitals in the state are paying the price. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET.
#Mississippi #Medicaid #MedicaidExpansion #AffordableCareAct #Obamacare #TYT #TYTNetwork #SouthernStrategy #TheYoungTurks
#mississippi #medicaid #medicaidexpansion #affordablecareact #obamacare #tyt #tytnetwork #southernstrategy #theyoungturks
@EgyptianAphorist @openculture The #American #Plantation economy was the model for the #fascist 14 mentioned here and it’s #SouthernStrategy #exonerated the police to suppress #dissent and difference within the world’s largest #prison system and will remain the basis for repressive allies from Egypt to Poland protecting our access to #fossilfuels and markets.
#american #plantation #fascist #southernstrategy #exonerated #dissent #prison #fossilfuels
"It chose the latter, and when most successfully executed, a race-based strategy was the foundation of many of the Republican Party's biggest victories, from Nixon to Trump.”
~ Ibid.
#Republicans #race #Goldwater #Nixon #Trump #SouthernStrategy #WhiteGrievancePolitics
#republicans #race #goldwater #nixon #trump #southernstrategy #whitegrievancepolitics
"Race has defined the modern Republican Party. After Goldwater carried only Southern states and received a record low of 7% of the black vote, the party faced a basic choice: do what was necessary to appeal to more white voters, or build a party to win with white voters."
~ Stuart Stevens, It Was All a Lie: How the Republican Party Became Donald Trump (New York: Knopf, 2020,), p. 31
#republicans #race #goldwater #southernstrategy
For me, THIS is the kicker of this thread.
It's got it all the elements entwined - #SouthernStrategy, the Phillips quote, Chisholm, and the landslide for a dude like Nixon!
I could have posted just this one single toot as evidence of the #PartySwitch!
But getting here was half the fun, and the journey was as important as the destination, showing clearly how pervasive #WhiteSupremacy has been throughout #AmericanHistory and #politcs.
The entire scope should erase all good faith doubt.
#southernstrategy #partyswitch #WhiteSupremacy #americanhistory #politcs
14/23 #RichardMNixon, the Republican California senator (though born in NY) who had been vice-president under #DwightDEisenhower, ran for president back in 1960, losing to #JFK.
He lost the 1964 nomination to #BarryGoldwater (noted as a significant conservative shift for the Republican party).
Nixon ran again in 1968 and (finally) won — but just barely; to strengthen his administration, he needed an angle, coming up with his #SouthernStrategy.
Nixon strategically powered the #PartySwitch
#richardmnixon #dwightdeisenhower #JFK #barrygoldwater #southernstrategy #partyswitch
Trump lost a 2000 presidential primary in California (though born in NY), and needed an angle for 2016.
He ran Nixon/Reagan #SouthernStrategy. "Make America Great Again!" His #ElectoralMap is dotted with oases of Blue cities in seas of rural Red.
Another loser won - barely - with help from good ol' #WhiteSupremacists.
He went back to that well in 2020 and got a well-earned, resounding trouncing. (That's TWO popular votes lost!)
Ergo, #Jan6th #insurrection.
(Please #indicthimalready!)
#southernstrategy #electoralmap #whitesupremacists #jan6th #insurrection #indicthimalready
17/23 Yep, #TrickyDicky had won one of the largest landslide wins ever!
Of course, Nixon was going to Nixon, and his historic success was short-lived and largely forgotten. Sure, the #WatergateScandal sank his administration, but I think Nixon's popularity doesn't come up a lot because it might draw attention to his #SouthernStrategy, #ShirleyChisholm, and the Democratic Party SWITCHING to "the party of Black people".
At any rate, the denouement, the coup de grace, came from #RonaldReagan.
#trickydicky #watergatescandal #southernstrategy #shirleychisholm #ronaldreagan
14/23 #RichardMNixon, the Republican California senator (though born in NY) who had been vice-president under #DwightDEisenhower, ran for president back in 1960, losing to #JFK.
He lost the 1964 nomination to #BarryGoldwater (noted as a significant conservative shift for the Republican party).
Nixon ran again in 1968 and (finally) won — but just barely; to strengthen his administration, he needed an angle, coming up with his #SouthernStrategy.
Nixon strategically powered the #PartySwitch
#richardmnixon #dwightdeisenhower #JFK #barrygoldwater #southernstrategy #partyswitch
All you Republicans who are trying to convince Black people that it's really Democrats who hate them because just look at the Reconstruction Black congressmen in the 1800s--you must think Black people are as stupid as the white people who parrot all your hateful bullshit.
This USA Today fact check puts all these dumbass claims in context: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/06/18/fact-check-democrats-republicans-and-complicated-history-race/3208378001/
#blackhistory #blacklivesmatter #conservatives #republicans #democrats #southernstrategy
#southernstrategy #democrats #republicans #conservatives #blacklivesmatter #blackhistory