#FougèreFriday #SampleStraightember
• Brush: #Zenith 506U N
• Razor: #Böker Abalone
• Lather: #SouthernWitchcrafts Fougère Nemeta
• Post: #StirlingSoapCo Varen
• Frag: #SpearheadShavingCo #Seaforth! Fleur de France
FdF works so nicely with fougères, I'm really liking this combination.
#StraightRazor #wetshaving #Straightember #ShaveOfTheDay #SOTD
#fougerefriday #samplestraightember #zenith #boker #southernwitchcrafts #stirlingsoapco #spearheadshavingco #seaforth #straightrazor #wetshaving #straightember #shaveoftheday #sotd
Giddy Up for Smoky #SampleStraightember
• Brush: #Zenith 506U N 🐎
• Razor: #Böker Abalone 🐚
• Lather: #SouthernWitchcrafts Necromantic 🍯
• Post: #SouthernWitchcrafts Autumn Ash 🍁
• Frag: #MaisonMargiela By The Fireplace 🔥
New horse after discussing with @PorkButtsNTaters666 and @sgrdddy
Lovely sweet and smoky shave today
#StraightRazor #wetshaving #Straightember #ShaveOfTheDay #SOTD
#samplestraightember #zenith #boker #southernwitchcrafts #maisonmargiela #straightrazor #wetshaving #straightember #shaveoftheday #sotd
Jul 4, 2023 #sotd
• Brush: #DogwoodHandcrafts 28mm DG B13
• Razor: #razorock GC-84
• Blade: #Gillette Platinum
• Lather: #DeclarationGrooming Mayflower
• Post Shave: #NobleOtter Rawr AS
• Fragrance: #SouthernWitchcrafts Tres Matres EdP
#sotd #dogwoodhandcrafts #razorock #gillette #declarationgrooming #nobleotter #southernwitchcrafts #shaveoftheday #shave #shaving #wetshaving
Brush: #APShaveCo 26mm G5C
Razor: #Gillette Red Tip TTO
Lather: #SouthernWitchcrafts Samhain
Splash: #BarristerAndMann Lavanille
First time using this soap and I just don’t get it. The base performed awesome, but the scent doesn’t make sense to me.
For Lather Games I’m posting my daily healthy activity to remind myself of all the things I do daily to keep depression from taking over. Shaving is one of those things, time to highlight the others. Today was a 3 mile bike ride!
#sotd #apshaveco #gillette #southernwitchcrafts #barristerandmann
Jun 28, 2023 #sotd
• Brush: #TrotterHandcrafts "Space Portal" 25mm Mühle STF
• Razor: #razorock GC-84
• Blade: #Gillette Platinum
• Lather: #MacduffsSoapCo LiB (V4)
• Post Shave: #SouthernWitchcrafts Lycanthropy AS
#WitchcraftsWednesday #ShaveOfTheDay #shave #shaving #wetshaving
#sotd #trotterhandcrafts #razorock #gillette #macduffssoapco #southernwitchcrafts #witchcraftswednesday #shaveoftheday #shave #shaving #wetshaving
Jun. 21, 2023 - Yeah, it's Desairology again
Prep: #CeraVe Foaming Cleanser
Brush: #Yaqi Timberwolf 26mm
Bowl: #Proraso Mug
Razor: #RazoRock lupo .95 SB
Lather: #SouthernWitchcrafts Desairology
Post-shave: #SouthernWitchcrafts Desairology
I forgot to post this shave yesterday, but basically it's just my favourite set.
I got, at most, 4 hours of sleep. Then my grandmother announced she'd be coming by ... in half an hour. You know how it is.
#cerave #yaqi #proraso #razorock #southernwitchcrafts #shaveoftheday #sotd #wetshaving
Failed British travel shave.
Prep: Klar Activated charcoal facial soap
Razor: #Durham Duplex Set
Blade: #EverReady Compact Hair Trimmer
Lather: #Klar Kohle
Aftershave: #SouthernWitchcrafts Carpathia
I still managed to wake up in time for a British travel shave with a ~~British made~~ *US made (fail!)* Durham Duplex razor and a full English breakfast. Other than falling in the Britishness department, I had a great shave.
#durham #everready #klar #southernwitchcrafts #wetshaving #sotd #shaveoftheday
Jun 14, 2023 #sotd
• Brush: #wildwestbrushworks "Matador" 26mm Sweet Spot Badger Knot
• Razor: #aylsworthrazors Drakkant+
• Blade: #Gillette Platinum
• Lather: #SouthernWitchcrafts Lycanthropy
• Post Shave: #chiseledfacegroomatorium Summer Storm AS
#witchcraftswednesday #shaveoftheday #shave #shaving #wetshaving
#sotd #wildwestbrushworks #aylsworthrazors #gillette #southernwitchcrafts #chiseledfacegroomatorium #witchcraftswednesday #shaveoftheday #shave #shaving #wetshaving
Jun. 8th, 2023 - Is Shaving with Something This Smokey Kinda Tasteless?
Prep: #CeraVe Foaming Cleanser
Brush: #Muhle Classic Synthetic (23mm)
Razor: #RazoRock Lupo .95 SB
Blade: #Gillette Platinum (?)
Lather: #DeclarationGrooming - Darkfall
Post-shave: #SouthernWitchcrafts - Desairology
I planned to get to this one in my last shave, but then got distracted by B&M Nordost. Forgot to write down that one, but since I adore oranges and thus Nordost, it was unsurprisingly amazing. But this morning, I finally got to try the scent that I've seen many complaints about, a couple love-letters to, and very little in-between. But I was neither particularly disappointed nor impressed.
It turned out to be mainly smokey, so uh, perhaps not the best choice when my friends are suffering because of smoke elsewhere. I'm sorry, I only realised after the shave. :ms_frown: I shall keep on wearing masks outside the house, out of solidarity both to you and to those that know COVID's not over yet.
But I could pick up other notes as well. The freshness of what I guessed to be pine tar, but apparently must've been berch, often made itself known. On the drydown, I could detect an ambery warmth, as well. The spices, however, I couldn't find at all. Perhaps I could in the splash, but I don't have a sample of that.
Nor do I have a Samhain splash, although I was really curious how well they'd go together. So desairology it had to be! And yeah, they mesh well! Not well enough that I'd want to buy a full puck of Darkfall, but well enough that I won't mind using up the rest of the sample at all.
#cerave #muhle #razorock #gillette #declarationgrooming #southernwitchcrafts #sotd #shaveoftheday #wetshaving
Jun. 3rd, 2023
Prep: #CeraVe Foaming Cleanser
Brush: #Yaqi Timberwolf (26mm)
Razor: #RazoRock lupo .95 SB
Blade: Gillette Platinum (?)
Lather: #ZingariMan - The Gent
Post-shave: #SouthernWitchcrafts - Desairology - alcohol-free splash
Hey, this scent's really good! A pleasant surprise after DG Chaotic Neutral and Convergence (which I forgot to post about); both of those were full of scent notes I should've enjoyed, but ended up being just OK. The Gent I was less sure of, and if the scent were just slightly different or simpler I'd throw it in the OK camp as well, but something about its complexity won me over.
What does it smell like? Powdery, definitely. Fresh, gently grassy. Like paper or new books, oddly enough; I've gotten that impression from eucalyptus before. And on the drydown, a gentle touch of warm woods; not unlike The Explorer, but not the focus here, but something subtler, more sophisticated. I don't have the nose to appreciate Shawn Maher's creations fully, but I love what I can detect.
Top notes: Eucalyptus, grapefruit peels, lime, neroli
Mid: Musk, woods, hay, jasmine, citrus, coumarin, herbs
Base; musk, woods, amber, rose
#Wetshaving #ShaveOfTheDay #SOTD
#cerave #yaqi #razorock #zingariman #southernwitchcrafts #wetshaving #shaveoftheday #sotd
May 6th, 2023 - The Second Horseman
Prep: #CeraVe Foaming Cleanser
Brush: #Simpson Trafalgar T3 (28mm)
Bowl: #Proraso Mug
Razor: #RazoRock Lupo .95 SB
Blade: #Gillette Platinum (8)
Lather: #BarristerAndMann - Plague
Post-shave: #SouthernWitchcrafts - Desairology - alcohol-free splash
Trying out @djundjila's strategy of hashtagging every brand name. Does this help? No clue if anyone would ever look up a wetshaving brand/artisan on here, but hey, I could be wrong! Anyhow, here's the important ones:
#wetshaving #SOTD #ShaveOfTheDay
#cerave #simpson #proraso #razorock #gillette #BarristerAndMann #southernwitchcrafts #wetshaving #sotd #shaveoftheday
Gourmand Ash Day
Razor: #Friodur 72-V
Brush: #Zenith r/Wetshaving exclusive #MoarBoar
Lather: #StirlingSoapCo Varen
Aftershave: #SouthernWitchcrafts Autumn Ash
Fragrance: #StirlingSoapCo Haverford
The 72-V is a fun razor. Feels old like a Wade & Butcher (being a wedge and all), but looks like it was produced yesterday (being stainless and all).
Friodur ++;
#wetshaving #sotd #ShaveOfTheDay #StraightRazor #ThemeThursday
#friodur #zenith #moarboar #stirlingsoapco #southernwitchcrafts #wetshaving #sotd #shaveoftheday #straightrazor #themethursday
Celebrate good times 🎶
Razor: #WadeButcher The Celebrated Hollow Ground Razor
Brush: #Zenith r/Wetshaving exclusive #MoarBoar
Lather: #StirlingSoapCo Varen
Post: #SouthernWitchcrafts Carpathia
First shave with this pretty Wade & Butcher. It was completely dull when I got it, and I struggled more than with any other razor to hone it. It may be the smile, or it's the steel, but it took me forever to get it to cut hair.
#wadebutcher #zenith #moarboar #stirlingsoapco #southernwitchcrafts #wetshaving #sotd #shaveoftheday #straightrazor