DLBMIX2305 with MICHAELBRAILEY is #outnow!
Nuclear explosions in the distance, or is that the sea, or weather? Or gunfire?
MICHAELBRAILEY presents a shrine to 'Southland Tales', the critically-panned sophomore epic from Donnie Darko-director Richard Kelly. The voices of Hollywood 00s stars Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Justin Timberlake, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Seann William Scott can be heard prophesying on the state of things in a world where porn is on TV, Iraq war veterans have amnesia, guns can bend around corners and quantum teleportation is top news. Leaning heavily on the film's Moby-led soundtrack this unusual mix scans, etches and chips away at the film's runtime to unearth what meaning or emotion lies beneath its strangely salacious surface.
#SouthlandTales #RichardKelly #Hollywoodstars #DonnieDarko #movieinspiration #filmtrack #soundtrack #unusualmix #filminterpretation #emotionaljourney #Moby #quantumteleportation #strangelysalacious #mindblowingmix #sonicexperience #soundsculpting #experimentalmix #experimentalmusic #soundart #spokenword #forwardthinking
#outnow #southlandtales #richardkelly #hollywoodstars #donniedarko #movieinspiration #filmtrack #soundtrack #unusualmix #filminterpretation #emotionaljourney #Moby #quantumteleportation #strangelysalacious #mindblowingmix #sonicexperience #soundsculpting #experimentalmix #experimentalmusic #soundart #spokenword #forwardthinking
Mood et état de mon cerveau : j'hésite entre revoir #MortalKombat #Highlander ou #SouthlandTales
Je pense que c'est assez grave.
Envoyez une ambulance.
Et soutenez @shalf dans cette épreuve.
#mortalkombat #highlander #southlandtales
I had forgotten how spot on #SouthlandTales had predicted the rise of influencers with Krysta Now
"Scientists are saying the future is going to be far more futuristic than they originally predicted."
(Yes as an atheist this movie is a guilty pleasure 😂)
If you’ve got ~6 minutes to watch something really amazing, you should give this scene from Richard Kelly’s Southland Tales a shot😉
#southlandtales #richardkelly #justintimberlake #thekillers #movies #dystopia
#thekillers #southlandtales #richardkelly #justintimberlake #movies #dystopia
Actually, this talk of flashbulb memories puts me in mind of one of my longer pieces of writing from this year, in which I tried to figure out what I think about #SouthlandTales, a movie which obsessed me for a good few months there: https://link.medium.com/ywoZJPPy8ub
Notes on film 'Southland Tales' (2006) - nothing I write here could spoil it really. It's a wild nonsensical ride, powerfully 00s, weird and also sort of endearing?
It has just about every actor from that time you would ever want to see, the commitment is there in their performances. But the actual movie? Weird. I don't get it? But ok
I kind of liked it in a weird way. Real auteur shit.
#southlandtales #richardkelly #films #Letterboxd