Full readings from my time at the PCP this week. Not good - especially in a known COVID surge in MA - better ventilation, HEPA (merv 13) filters, and masking would go miles in protecting your staff and patients from acquired illness at your facilities.
**Outdoors, CO2 levels are 400-475 ppm. Above 800 ppm, at least 1% of your air is “shared” - meaning you're breathing in exhaled air. CO2 levels above 1,000 ppm is a sign there are elevated risks of potential virus transmission for everyone in the room. Spaces with multiple occupants should aim for 600 ppm to prevent cross-infection.
#covidisnotover #maskup #openawindow
#indoorairquality #covidco2 #cleanair #cleanairnow #cleanairforall #cleanaireverywhere
#airborneaware #airquality
#longcovid #aranet4 #aranet #covid19 #ventilation #southshorema #plymouthma #massachusetts
#CovidIsNotOver #maskup #openawindow #indoorairquality #covidco2 #cleanair #cleanairnow #cleanairforall #cleanaireverywhere #airborneaware #airquality #LongCOVID #Aranet4 #ARANET #covid19 #ventilation #southshorema #plymouthma #massachusetts
I was pleasantly surprised when I arrived at my doctor's office today to see all of these signs on the way in... less thrilled to see that my provider's office wasn't following suit. Staff was unmasked, as was the other patient in the waiting room.
#covidisnotover #maskup #bringbackmasks #openawindow
#indoorairquality #covidco2
#airborneaware #airquality
#longcovid #co2guerillas #aranet4 #aranet #covid19 #ventilation #southshorema #plymouthma #massachusetts
#CovidIsNotOver #maskup #BringBackMasks #openawindow #indoorairquality #covidco2 #airborneaware #airquality #LongCOVID #co2guerillas #Aranet4 #ARANET #covid19 #ventilation #southshorema #plymouthma #massachusetts
Who says you can't both mask with a quality KN95 AND be festive? I ordered a box of these for upcoming holiday gatherings with family. #covidisnotover #bringmasksback #bringbackmasks #openawindow
#indoorairquality #covidco2
#airborneaware #airquality
#longcovid #co2guerillas #aranet4 #aranet #covid19 #ventilation #southshorema #plymouthma #massachusetts
#CovidIsNotOver #bringmasksback #BringBackMasks #openawindow #indoorairquality #covidco2 #airborneaware #airquality #LongCOVID #co2guerillas #Aranet4 #ARANET #covid19 #ventilation #southshorema #plymouthma #massachusetts