#Geneadons did you know members of #DevonFHS PArish small group Zoom chats? Come along and get local advice! We aim to cover each Parish at least once each year, some more times. Bring your questions and brick walls! #SouthTawton et al tonight was a good chat!
#geneadons #devonfhs #southtawton
@DevonFHS I am of course biased but I thoroughly enjoyed the Sticklepath in person 'Bonanza' event. Auntie Kate did too! I also love the Parish small group zoom chats. #SouthTawton and surroundings meet again 12th December. Regards online talks I have enjoyed so many - I can't choose! #geneadons #genealogy #Devon #DevonFHS
#southtawton #Geneadons #genealogy #Devon #devonfhs