#berlusconi: al via il #musicalsatirico sulla sua vita
#berlusconianewmusical #23marzo #tfnews #esteri #southwarkplayhouse #southwarkplayhousetheatre #news #teatro
#berlusconi #musicalsatirico #berlusconianewmusical #23marzo #tfnews #esteri #southwarkplayhouse #southwarkplayhousetheatre #news #teatro
New musical Berlusconi to receive world premiere at the #SouthwarkPlayhouse next year: https://lovelondonloveculture.com/2022/12/11/news-world-premiere-of-new-musical-berlusconi-announced/
It's a sparkling ★★★★★ 5 stars for Miz Cracker in Who's Holiday at the Southwark Playhouse
Miz "has the fierce intelligence and acting chops to land every moment of pathos just as hard as the multitude of punchlines"
Read our review*: http://therecs.co.uk/whos-holiday/
(*trigger warning - may contain self-penned rhymes)
#WhosHoliday #mizcracker #dragrace #southwarkplayhouse #drseuss #Christmas #Christmastheatre
#whosholiday #mizcracker #dragrace #southwarkplayhouse #drseuss #christmas #christmastheatre
News: London premiere of Smoke by Kim Davies to take place at the #southwarkplayhouse in #2023 - https://lovelondonloveculture.com/2022/11/26/news-katy-galloway-productions-announce-london-premiere-of-kim-davies-smoke/
#southwarkplayhouse #theatre #theatrenews
A #Musical about the #TheGodfather of #Populism and #BungaBungaSupremo
coming to the stage in spring
#London #SouthwarkPlayHouse #RickySimmonds #SimonVaughan #Berlusmusiconi #BungaBungaParties #Veronica #PopulisticPioneers #MenoMaleCheSilvio
#musical #thegodfather #populism #bungabungasupremo #london #southwarkplayhouse #rickysimmonds #simonvaughan #berlusmusiconi #bungabungaparties #veronica #populisticpioneers #menomalechesilvio
Berlusconi- a new musical with book, music and lyrics by Ricky Simmonds and Simon Vaughan. At #SouthwarkPlayhouse from 25 March 2023. A ‘fierce feminist’ view of ‘outrageous male privilege’ says producer Francesca Moody of #Fleabag fame. Could be interesting…
I didn't have "musical about Berlusconi written by Ant Jones and Freddie Mainwaring from Grange Hill" on my 2023 theatre bingo card but there you go!
#GrangeHill #SouthwarkPlayhouse #Theatre #Musical
#Musical #theatre #southwarkplayhouse #grangehill