Endangered Diamond Firetails are breeding West of Ararat. Here are an adult and juvenile to prove it. May 5. #BirdsSeenIn2023 #SouthWestVictoria #Australia #Ozbirds #birds #birdphotography #WildOz #NaturePhotography
#birdsseenin2023 #southwestvictoria #australia #ozbirds #birds #birdphotography #wildoz #naturephotography
Gusts up to 115kph South of Ararat on May 3. How strong are Brolgas in flight? Very! This is NOT a composite. #BirdsSeenIn2023 #SouthWestVictoria #Australia #Ozbirds #birds #birdwatching #WildOz
#birdsseenin2023 #southwestvictoria #australia #ozbirds #birds #birdwatching #wildoz
One of the great sights and sounds of Western Victoria is a Brolga fully extended in flight. April 29. #BirdsSeenIn2023 #SouthWestVictoria #Australia #Ozbirds #birds #birdwatching #WildOz
#birdsseenin2023 #southwestvictoria #australia #ozbirds #birds #birdwatching #wildoz
On farmland South of Willaura, I counted 74 Brolgas this am. Here are 57 of them within a 9 frame panorama. You might need to view large to count them. April 29. #birdphoto #wildlife #nature #BirdsSeenIn2023 #SouthWestVictoria #Australia
#birdphoto #wildlife #nature #birdsseenin2023 #southwestvictoria #australia
Black-shouldered Kites are tireless hunters above the paddocks of Western Victoria. When the wind is strong they stretch their wings, Albatross-like, and hold still as they scan for prey. April 25 near Tatyoon. #birdphoto #wildlife #nature #BirdsSeenIn2023 #SouthWestVictoria
#birdphoto #wildlife #nature #birdsseenin2023 #southwestvictoria
South of Willaura in Western Victoria, Brolgas seem to be feasting on an eruption of crickets. Here is quintet of Brolgas. April 25. #birds #birdwatching #birdpic #birdphoto #wildlife #nature #BirdsSeenIn2023 #SouthWestVictoria #Australia #Ozbirds
#birds #birdwatching #birdpic #birdphoto #wildlife #nature #birdsseenin2023 #southwestvictoria #australia #ozbirds
He turned his back, and, just like that...she was gone! Superb Fairy-wrens at Green Hill Lake on April 20. #birds #birdwatching #birdpic #birdphoto #wildlife #nature #BirdsSeenIn2023 #SouthWestVictoria #Australia #Ozbirds
#birds #birdwatching #birdpic #birdphoto #wildlife #nature #birdsseenin2023 #southwestvictoria #australia #ozbirds
Always check your six! Superb Fairy-wrens at Ararat's Green Hill Lake on April 18. #birdphoto #wildlife #nature #BirdsSeenIn2023 #SouthWestVictoria #Australia #Ozbirds #birds #birdwatching
#birdphoto #wildlife #nature #birdsseenin2023 #southwestvictoria #australia #ozbirds #birds #birdwatching
Among the many small bird species in the Ararat district, the Crested Shrike-tits are the most charismatic. Here is one scooting away from the camera. April 17. #birdphoto #wildlife #nature #BirdsSeenIn2023 #SouthWestVictoria #Australia #Ozbirds #birds #birdwatching
#birdphoto #wildlife #nature #birdsseenin2023 #southwestvictoria #australia #ozbirds #birds #birdwatching
The town crier leaps to the podium. It's a Brown Thornbill with its nature on full display. Dobie War Memorial on April 16. #birdphoto #wildlife #nature #BirdsSeenIn2023 #SouthWestVictoria #Australia #Ozbirds #birds #birdwatching
#birdphoto #wildlife #nature #birdsseenin2023 #southwestvictoria #australia #ozbirds #birds #birdwatching
A Chestnut Teal feathers into the spillway at Green Hill Lake, Ararat. These recent arrivals seem unbothered by nearby bipeds as they dabble away the day. #birdphoto #wildlife #nature #BirdsSeenIn2023 #SouthWestVictoria #Australia #Ozbirds #birds #birdwatching #WildOz
#birdphoto #wildlife #nature #birdsseenin2023 #southwestvictoria #australia #ozbirds #birds #birdwatching #wildoz
This is a White-faced Heron battling the Southerly wind that churns the stillness from Green Hill Lake. March 23. #birdphoto #wildlife #nature #BirdsSeenIn2023 #SouthWestVictoria #Australia #Ozbirds #birds #birdwatching #WildOz
#birdphoto #wildlife #nature #birdsseenin2023 #southwestvictoria #australia #ozbirds #birds #birdwatching #wildoz
A Buff-banded Rail hunts at Green Hill lake on March 22. #birdphoto #wildlife #nature #BirdsSeenIn2023 #SouthWestVictoria #Australia #Ozbirds #birds #birdwatching #WildOz
#birdphoto #wildlife #nature #birdsseenin2023 #southwestvictoria #australia #ozbirds #birds #birdwatching #wildoz
An Australasian Grebe worked tirelessly to 'peel' this Yabby in the rich waters of Green Hill Lake. Its reward was a partial meal quickly pilfered by a a watchful Silver Gull. #birdphoto #wildlife #nature #BirdsSeenIn2023 #SouthWestVictoria #Ozbirds #birds #birdwatching
#birdphoto #wildlife #nature #birdsseenin2023 #southwestvictoria #ozbirds #birds #birdwatching
A female Red-rumped Parrot drives into a strong Northerly wind at Ararat's Green Hill Lake on March 18.#birdphoto #wildlife #nature #BirdsSeenIn2023 #SouthWestVictoria #Australia #Ozbirds #birds #birdwatching
#birdphoto #wildlife #nature #birdsseenin2023 #southwestvictoria #australia #ozbirds #birds #birdwatching
An insecticide of Welcome Swallows at Ararat's Green Hill Lake. March 18. #birdphoto #wildlife #nature #BirdsSeenIn2023 #SouthWestVictoria #Australia #Ozbirds #birds #birdwatching
#birdphoto #wildlife #nature #birdsseenin2023 #southwestvictoria #australia #ozbirds #birds #birdwatching
Hello there. A Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo fills the sky at Willaura on March 16. #birdphoto #wildlife #nature #BirdsSeenIn2023 #SouthWestVictoria #Australia #Ozbirds #birds #birdwatching
#birdphoto #wildlife #nature #birdsseenin2023 #southwestvictoria #australia #ozbirds #birds #birdwatching
A trio of Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos against a white sky at Willaura on March 16. #birdphoto #wildlife #nature #BirdsSeenIn2023 #SouthWestVictoria #Australia #Ozbirds #birds #birdwatching
#birdphoto #wildlife #nature #birdsseenin2023 #southwestvictoria #australia #ozbirds #birds #birdwatching
I counted 25 Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos at Willaura Wetlands where today's menu was young pine cones. Here is a male diner. March 16. #birdphoto #wildlife #nature #BirdsSeenIn2023 #SouthWestVictoria #Australia #Ozbirds #birds #birdwatching
#birdphoto #wildlife #nature #birdsseenin2023 #southwestvictoria #australia #ozbirds #birds #birdwatching