#ICYMI, work has begun on parking lot improvements at #Southworth terminal. In addition to access & traffic flow changes, there are fewer parking spaces due to 🚧. @KitsapTransit offers bus service to/from park & rides, including nearby Harper Church. Work to should end in fall. https://t.co/LhLgyx74o0
Work has begun on parking lot improvements at #Southworth terminal. In addition to access & traffic flow changes, there are fewer parking spaces due to 🚧. @KitsapTransit offers bus service to/from several park & rides, including nearby Harper Church. Work to should end in fall. https://t.co/VTFnTlzpRu
Take note if traveling into or out of our #Southworth terminal this morning. https://t.co/ZvbtxVWXXL
Youth Maritime Collaborative members tour #Tacoma, @AlexRamel tours #Anacortes/#SanJuanIslands route, reduced parking space at #Southworth terminal, overnight roadwork on SR 305 on Bainbridge Island next week and more in our Weekly Update: https://t.co/5FPIWWvmMM https://t.co/ypIRoV6uW2
#tacoma #anacortes #southworth
Heads up for ferry travelers accessing our #Bremerton and #Southworth terminals. https://t.co/sl4oNfAVvD
Our #Fauntleroy Terminal is out of service until further notice due to necessary maintenance. The #Vashon to #Southworth terminal and the #Tahlequah terminal at the south end of Vashon remain open. Seattle bound traffic will be diverted to #ColmanDock.
#fauntleroy #vashon #southworth #tahlequah #colmandock
New electronic signs up & running at vehicle entrance to #Vashon terminal. Signs designed to keep intersection of Vashon Hwy SW & 103rd Ave SW clear & maintain access to dock for transit vehicles & those heading to #Southworth. They also improve pedestrian safety. https://t.co/c0OEOgFFlQ