again i have to say it.
isopods are so damn cute!
#isopods #bugs #IncredibleIsopods #RolyPoly #ArmadilloBug #woodlouse #CheeseLog #PeaBug #slater #PotatoBug #doodlebug #SowBug #CheesyBobs #ChiselPig #PillBug #YesTheseAreAllReal
#isopods #bugs #incredibleisopods #rolypoly #armadillobug #woodlouse #cheeselog #peabug #slater #potatobug #doodlebug #sowbug #cheesybobs #chiselpig #pillbug #yestheseareallreal
I left the terrarium open & a #sowbug hopped on it!🤩
They're some of my favorite from little animals, cos they are like superheroes!
They are the only safe way to remove dangerous metals from the soil like lead, cadmium and arsenic.