I read an article yesterday, in the Times, about the health and environmental benefits of eating #soy products. Here goes nothing! 😅 #tofubowl
#environment #climate #vegetarian
#vegetarian #climate #environment #tofubowl #soy
PS: as not a native speaker, i didn't know gay means happy, too.
#SchleichWerbung #ZwinkerSmiley #NoMilkToday #GayMeansHappy #NoMilk #Today #Milk #NoCow #Cow #Oat #Peas #Pea #Peases #Soy #Vegan #VeganMilk #VeganDrink #VeganeMilch #MilchAlternative #MilkAlternative #HermansHermits #Musik #Music #60er #Sixties
#schleichwerbung #zwinkersmiley #nomilktoday #gaymeanshappy #nomilk #today #milk #nocow #cow #oat #peas #pea #peases #soy #vegan #veganmilk #vegandrink #veganemilch #milchalternative #milkalternative #hermanshermits #musik #music #60er #sixties
Foodie pro-tip for anyone who wants "soy sauce" but is allergic to soy, has problems with gluten, or can't have lots of histamine:
"Coconut aminos" are a near-perfect drop-in replacement for sushi and recipes.
(Just make sure you're not also allergic to coconuts.)
#SoySauce #SoyAllergy #soy #histamine #HistamineIntolerance #gluten #GlutenFree #GlutenIntolerance #food #ProTip #allergy
#soysauce #soyallergy #soy #histamine #histamineintolerance #gluten #glutenfree #glutenIntolerance #food #protip #allergy
“Soy” de Jorge Luis Borges
en “La rosa profunda” 1975.
#soy #JorgeLuisBorges
#lainutilidaddelapoesia #frustrapoiesis
#soy #jorgeluisborges #lainutilidaddelapoesia #frustrapoiesis
Good podcast on the "green deserts" of #Brazil, where diverse ecosystems are being replaced by #monocultures of #soy or #eucalyptus plantations for #pulp and #paper production.
#brazil #monocultures #soy #eucalyptus #pulp #paper
RFK was also correct about the problems with #GMOs. Namely #GMSoy and others crops that are sprayed with the "probable #carcinogen" and herbicide known as #glyphosate.
#gutFlora #rfk #foodAdditives #soy #canola #soyFlour #soyFiller #mayContainSoy
#mayContainSoy #gmos #GMSoy #carcinogen #glyphosate #gutFlora #rfk #foodadditives #soy #canola #soyFlour #soyFiller
Member’s Mark Breaded Mozzarella Sticks Have Hidden Egg and Soy: Affected are those lots with a Best If Used By date of 12/28/2024.
Sold: At Sam’s Club stores in Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. #richs #mozzarellisticks #egg #soy #allergy #recall
#richs #mozzarellisticks #egg #soy #allergy #recall
Doritos Nacho Cheese Tortilla Chips Have Hidden Soy and Wheat: About 7,000 bags of Doritos Nacho Cheese Tortilla Chips contain spicy sweet chili tortilla chips containing soy and wheat. These were chiefly sold in Pennsylvania.#fritolay #doritos #tortillachips #soy #wheat #recall
#fritolay #doritos #tortillachips #soy #wheat #recall
No hejka!
Obiadek był? Dzisiaj zapodawaliśmy naleśniki nadziewane sojowym „mięsem”, czerwoną fasolą, cebulą i kukurydzą.
#FediGotuje #obiad #naleśniki #crepes #soja #soy #FakeMeat #CzerwonaFasola #RedBeans #kukurydza #corn
#corn #kukurydza #redbeans #czerwonafasola #fakemeat #soy #soja #crepes #nalesniki #obiad #fedigotuje
All that #cancer caused by the "probably carcinogenic" (W.H.O.) herbicde, not just on GM #soy but other crops too, is just yet another opportunity to do more "#CancerResearchFoundation"ing, right.
Gotta find that elusive "cure". *wink
#cancer #soy #cancerresearchfoundation #corporatism
The latest blog from Hodmedod's on how the UK could break its dependence on imported soy animal feedstuffs, much of which is grown in deforested areas of the world.
(Nick Saltmarsh, Josiah Meldrum and William Hudson founded Hodmedod in 2012 to supply beans and other products from British farms).
#Hodmedods #Soy #Soya #Farming #AnimalFeed #Pulses #Legumes #Rainforest #Deforestation
#deforestation #rainforest #legumes #Pulses #animalFeed #farming #soya #soy #hodmedods
Expert Tips: How to Grow Soybeans https://www.advice.news/garden/expert-tips-how-grow-soybeans?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #soy #soybeans #gardening
But one thing has changed dramatically – the main buyers of high-risk tropical commodities. Then, it was primarily brands in the #US, #Europe & #Japan that played a key role.
Today, it’s #China. The world’s top imported of #soy #rubber #paperpulp, and second for palm oil (behind India).
#us #europe #japan #china #soy #rubber #paperpulp
i had a packet of thai kitchen #friedrice and added the following: scrambled #egg, #soy sauce, fish sauce, precooked grilled #chicken, #ginger, and #lemongrass and it went from zero to 10 in less than 10 minutes.
#friedrice #egg #soy #chicken #ginger #lemongrass
i swear that soybean oil is in everything; like I wouldn't be surprised if I grabbed a bag of apples and looked at the ingredient list on the back and it said: "apples, soybean oil"
> Post-cancer treatment drug telling people not to have #soyFlour.
Like right there.
Its like the only "food" ingredient in the list.
#cancer #glyphosate #soy #GMO #canola #babyFood #bread #pasta #pastries #biscuits #snackFoods
#soyFlour #cancer #glyphosate #soy #gmo #canola #babyFood #bread #pasta #pastries #biscuits #snackfoods
DELISH KITCHEN: 片栗粉でもっちり! やわらか豆乳もち|How To Make Soy Milk Mochi https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1793816/delish-kitchen/
#cook #Cooking #DELISH #DELISHKITCHEN #DELISHKITCHENCHANNEL #delishkitchen.tv #howto #kitchen #milk #mochi #Recipe #recipes #soy #tutorial #お菓子 #ソイミルク #デリッシュキッチン #ヘルシー #もち #やわらか豆乳もちHow #レシピ #作り方 #料理 #片栗粉でもっちり #豆乳
#cook #cooking #delish #delishkitchen #DELISHKITCHENCHANNEL #howto #kitchen #milk #mochi #recipe #recipes #soy #tutorial #お菓子 #ソイミルク #デリッシュキッチン #ヘルシー #もち #やわらか豆乳もちhow #レシピ #作り方 #料理 #片栗粉でもっちり #豆乳
Tillamook Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream Has Wheat and Soy:
The affected lot codes TL-41-80 and BB041324. #tillamook #icecream #wheat #soy #allergies #gluten #celiac #recall
#tillamook #icecream #wheat #soy #Allergies #gluten #celiac #recall
@bea that's not hard.
#Seitan and other #Wheat & #Soy protein have been used to cheaply make #ChickenNuggets and #ChickenBuger #Patties for ages to increase #profit and reduce costs...
#profit #patties #chickenbuger #chickennuggets #soy #wheat #seitan