RFK was also correct about the problems with #GMOs. Namely #GMSoy and others crops that are sprayed with the "probable #carcinogen" and herbicide known as #glyphosate.
#gutFlora #rfk #foodAdditives #soy #canola #soyFlour #soyFiller #mayContainSoy
#mayContainSoy #gmos #GMSoy #carcinogen #glyphosate #gutFlora #rfk #foodadditives #soy #canola #soyFlour #soyFiller
When ppl try and document what went wrong I wonder if they will factor in #Monsanto death crops – #Russia outlawed the highly toxic garbage years ago.
#mayContainTracesOfSoy #GMSoy #GMCanola #deathFood #USExports #soyFiller #deathFoods #bayer #cancer
#monsanto #russia #mayContainTracesOfSoy #GMSoy #GMCanola #deathFood #USExports #soyFiller #deathFoods #Bayer #cancer
Today, we thought we'd checkout the ingredients of one of those instant frozen #McCain #pizza products.
The amount of what is likely to be #glyphosate-laden product in the form of #soyFiller and #canola seems astounding. Sometimes the #soy is labelled as #HydrolisedVegetableProtein.
It seems their "product" (as distinct from #food) is 60% soy.
#mccain #pizza #glyphosate #soyFiller #canola #soy #hydrolisedVegetableProtein #food #junkfood #nutrition #inflammation #cancer
May contain traces of soy.
INGREDIENTS: #SoyFlour, #vegetableOil (#soybean (#emulsifiers(471, #E479)), #HydralisedVegetableProtein, #emulsifier (322, from #soy), #Soya (#Soy), #soybeanOil, #antioxidants (322), #vegetableProtein
#FeedingTheWorld #AllNatural #glyphosate #Bayer #Monsanto #Nestle #MarsCorp #MARS #GoodmanFielder #GMO #driedWithGlyphosate #driedWithDeath #deathDried #mayContainSoy #soyFiller #substitution
#soyFlour #vegetableOil #soybean #emulsifiers #E479 #HydralisedVegetableProtein #emulsifier #soy #soya #soybeanOil #antioxidants #vegetableProtein #FeedingTheWorld #allnatural #glyphosate #Bayer #monsanto #nestle #MARScorp #mars #GoodmanFielder #gmo #driedWithGlyphosate #driedWithDeath #deathDried #mayContainSoy #soyFiller #substitution