RFK was also correct about the problems with . Namely and others crops that are sprayed with the "probable " and herbicide known as .

#mayContainSoy #gmos #GMSoy #carcinogen #glyphosate #gutFlora #rfk #foodadditives #soy #canola #soyFlour #soyFiller

Last updated 1 year ago

> Post-cancer treatment drug telling people not to have .


Like right there.

Its like the only "food" ingredient in the list.

#soyFlour #cancer #glyphosate #soy #gmo #canola #babyFood #bread #pasta #pastries #biscuits #snackfoods

Last updated 1 year ago

We never thought of gluten as a protein in detail until now. Very interesting!

We are interested in how fits in with 's story.

Also to what extend spraying the carcingenic on the crop, before **and after** harvest (as farmers for were caught doing, to speed up the process of a couple years ago), might be responsible for the highly-prevalent , today.


#soyFlour #gluten #roundup #soy #nestle #dehydration #coffeebeans #glutenAllergy #glutenfree #glutenIntolerance

Last updated 3 years ago

Sorry, our toot.


Last updated 4 years ago

Is it normal for a nation to become a big ?

Was it the , the , the , the , the , the scenes, the , the , the , the , the , the -dried products, the poorly regulated , maybe its , the loss of and that stimulate young minds, the loss of connection to the .

What might it be?

#hospital #junkfood #sugar #tracesOfSoy #canolaOil #heavyMetals #sexySmoking #alcohol #supplements #rancidNuts #soyFlour #caffeine #glyphosate #pharmaceuticals #overdevelopment #greenspaces #restorativeEnvironments #land #hospitalNation

Last updated 4 years ago

This was fed . Upon slaughter, pumped with (aka ), crumbed with made from , sprinkled with (soy), and doused in oil so it doesn't sizzle too violently in the oven and you don't need to clean it too often.

Soy, grown and dried with tender-loving that may be according to the , and banned in countries the world over.

(This toot )

#chicken #soy #soyProtein #hydrolisedVegetableProtein #bread #soyFlour #naturalFlavours #soyLecithin #herbicides #carcinogenic #who #mayContainSoy

Last updated 4 years ago

This crumbed- was fed . Upon slaughter, pumped with (aka ), crumbed with made from , sprinkled with (soy), and doused in oil so it doesn't sizzle too violently in the oven and you don't need to clean it too often.

Soy, grown with tender-loving that may be according to the , and banned in countries the world over.

(This toot )

#chicken #soy #soyProtein #hydrolisedVegetableProtein #bread #soyFlour #naturalFlavours #soyLecithin #herbicides #carcinogenic #who #mayContainSoy

Last updated 4 years ago


<see prev comment>

The love that we are distracted from -style . Until its adopted the will continue to continue with via . Its too easy to claim losses to and mates.

See also , or 18th century book, .

Quick question: Does NZ non-organic and other confections also have (as they do in )?

#extremelyWealthy #onePercenters #HenryGeorge #taxation #elite #taxevasion #financialEngineering #shellCorporations #Georgism #ProgressAndPoverty #bread #soyFlour #australia

Last updated 5 years ago