@flexghost @Ulrich_the_Elder
Ever seen the movie
When we run out of food, the rich people will still have options, I guess.
Vous vous en foutez, mais je vous le dis : je hais ce monde !
Où l'anthropocentrisme est tel que plus rien autour de nous ne parviens à survivre, et il n'y a que des excités du bulbe pour prétendre sauver les meubles en étant à côté de la plaque !
J'en suis !...
#SendNudes qu'on se fasse une raison de vivre divergente du seul #soylentgreen
On August 30, 1996, Soylent Green, The Legend of Boggy Creek, and Westworld were screened on TNT's MonsterVision. Here's some art inspired by all three features!
#MonsterVision #MutantFam #SoylentGreen #TheLegendOfBoggyCreek #Westworld #CharltonHeston #YulBrynner #DystopianSciFi #MonsterMovies #HorrorArt #SciFiArt #Movies #CultMovies #Art #FanArt #SciFiArt
#monstervision #MutantFam #soylentgreen #thelegendofboggycreek #westworld #charltonheston #yulbrynner #DystopianSciFi #monstermovies #horrorart #scifiart #movies #cultmovies #art #FanArt
Es war nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis es durch den ganzen #Industriefutterkonsum (inkl. Veganfleischersatz) zu Reaktionen des komplexen #Ökosystems kommt, das ein tierischer #Organismus darstellt. Innen wie außen zahlen wir jetzt den Preis für den renditeorientierten Unfug, den wir arrogant-ignorant #Ökonomie nennen.
#industriefutterkonsum #okosystems #organismus #okonomie #soylentgreen #corona #lebensmittelallergie
Y'know, something about this seems... unsettling.
2022 has come and gone. We know what Soylent Green is really made of. Christian Sci-Fi Night with Professor K.
@bookstodon @religion #bookstodon #ChristianSciFi #ChristianSciFiNightWithProfessorK #JasonWilliamKarpf #AmWritingScienceFiction #SecretSciFiNetwork #SoylentGreen #CharltonHeston
#bookstodon #christianscifi #christianscifinightwithprofessork #jasonwilliamkarpf #amwritingsciencefiction #secretscifinetwork #soylentgreen #charltonheston
We need to continue to blame coal & oil burning as the major cause of #climatechange, but we also need to address the root cause of fossil fuel over-consumtion. #Overpopulation.
It's time to re-address unbridled, unchecked breeding in all countries. I never had children for mainly this reason. As a child, the movie #SoylentGreen made a huge self-evident impression on me.
This subject should not be taboo, & humans need to stop enviro-irresponsibly popping out babies like Pez dispensers.
#ClimateChange #overpopulation #soylentgreen
The world doesn't need conservatives of any colour or description.
What the world needs is soylent green for anyone over 18 voting for, espousing the views of representing the "values" of conservatives.
Just had a though about how to fix the human race obsession with money.
It's not a new idea, but it offers the chance to change behaviours.
#SoylentGreen was originally made out of old people that the totalitarian society decided weren't productive enough to continue serving.
Instead of an age tag, it should be determined by wealth.
If your accumulated wealth hits £1M your tag changes colour as a warning. If it reaches £2M it turns red and you're taken to the processing plant.
You can take action to prevent reaching the special Millionaire tier by giving your money away - but nobody who's already rich will want it because it might tip them over the threshold, so your wealth will go to those who have significantly less.
You can't just spend it buying hospitals or media platforms or spaceships because those are assets and count towards your total.
It is far from a perfect model, but it's simplistic enough to make the accumulation of obscene wealth undesirable.
@BobM @georgemonbiot Many are slow to notice a class dictatorship. George unwittingly furthers corporate capture of world food production with his advocacy of #SoylentGreen-type tech. He pays lip service to "open-sourcing" it when it's already stitched up by patent lawyers.
The dinner where Heston and Sol exquisitely dine on a lettuce leaf, beef stew, and an apple is the apocalyptic version of #3goodthings
#SciFi #savetcm #soylentgreen #TCMParty #3goodthings
The Computer Space video game had the coolest game cabinet of all time.
#videogames #SciFi #savetcm #soylentgreen #TCMParty
How have I watched this movie two dozen times and don’t remember the wonderful opening montage?
#SciFi #savetcm #soylentgreen #TCMParty
Ich fürchte das durch die #klimakatastrophe alle Obst- und Gemüsesorten so präsentiert und verkauft werden. #soylentgreen läßt grüßen.
#soylentgreen #klimakatastrophe
Remember the movie Soylent Green?
It's come to life!
#SoylentGreen #Movies