Gizmodo: NASA Astronaut Frank Rubio Inadvertently Breaks Record for Longest U.S. Space Mission #internationalspacestation #goodmorningamerica #issyearlongmission #nasaastronautcorps #sergeyprokopyev #dmitripetelin #marktvandehei #inspaceflight #markvandehei #spacexcrew5 #frankrubio #astronaut #soyuzms23 #soyuzms22 #inrussia #soyuzms #spacex
#internationalspacestation #goodmorningamerica #issyearlongmission #nasaastronautcorps #sergeyprokopyev #dmitripetelin #marktvandehei #inspaceflight #markvandehei #spacexcrew5 #frankrubio #astronaut #soyuzms23 #soyuzms22 #inrussia #soyuzms #spacex
RT @katlinegrey
Temperature in #SoyuzMS22 which landed yesterday in Kazakhstan was more comfortable than in the worst scenario calculated by Roscosmos specialists, said Sergei Krikalev. How hot it was in the ship during the descent, will be known after analyzing different parts of the ship.
The return of #SoyuzMS22 today: two stills from the landing webcast and the landed capsule from the Roskosmos gallery (censored by some Western countries; use VPN to access).
The return of #SoyuzMS22 today: the landed capsule from the Roskosmos gallery (censored by some Western countries; use VPN to access) and two stills from the landing webcast
The return of #SoyuzMS22 today: the landed capsule from the Roskosmos gallery (censored by some Western countries; use VPN to access) and two stills from the landing webcast
Apparently without incident (but what was the peak temperature inside?) the damaged #SoyuzMS22 spacecraft landed today: and = video clips, and and and and and and = still images.
The damaged #SoyuzMS22 spacecraft will test its fate - without a crew on board - in a few hours: - undocking at 9:57 UTC, touchdown at 11:45 UTC.
RT @katlinegrey
Roscosmos presented a new emblem of #SoyuzMS22 which will return to Earth on March 28 in automatic mode. They haven't told yet if the undocking and landing will be streamed, but I hope they will do it.
Damaged #SoyuzMS22 will be sent from the ISS "to Earth on March 28 with 218 kg of cargo, including the results of scientific experiments and station equipment":
Eine der #Forderungen der
ab 1989 auch laut lesbar
Das kam aus #Osteuropa #Kaukasus und nicht .. ?
#Transparenz-Angebot Beispiel
Februar 2023
Roskosmos zeigt SCHADEN an Raumschiff SojusMS22
auch #SoyuzMS22
#forderungen #osteuropa #kaukasus #transparenz #soyuzms22
RT @katlinegrey
And finally! Here is an official photo of the hole in the radiator of #SoyuzMS22, made by Canadarm.
RT @katlinegrey
And finally! Here is an official photo of the hole in the radiator of #SoyuzMS22, made by Canadarm.
Two Russian spacecraft now have coolant leaks on-station, The idea that the leak in #SoyuzMS22 was a micrometeorite strike is looking shaky. They have to figure out the cause before the launch of #SoyuzMS23 next week. Chris Hadfield says on Twitter, "If emergency evacuation is needed (fire, depress, contaminated atmosphere) cosmonauts Prokopyev and Petelin would take their chances in Soyuz, astronaut Rubio would rig a seat in Crew Dragon."
RT @katlinegrey
And now there is a reason to believe that the cause of the #SoyuzMS22 accident was not a micrometeorite.
Today, Frank Rubio's lodgment (the replaceable part of the Soyuz seat, made custom for every crew member) was moved to Crew Dragon - so in case of an emergency he wouldn't have to leave ISS on the damaged #SoyuzMS22. When SoyuzMS23 arrives, all three lodgmets will be moved there.
Official news from Roscosmos: #SoyuzMS22 should return to Earth without a crew. The launch of #SoyuzMS23 is on February 20, 2023 in automatic mode. The expedition of Sergei Prokopiev, Dmitry Petelin and Francisco Rubio is being extended. They will return to Earth on Soyuz MS-23.
A danneggiare la navetta #SoyuzMS22 agganciata alla Stazione Spaziale Internazionale a metà dicembre è stato probabilmente un meteoroide. Da brividi immaginare cosa sarebbe potuto accadere se avesse colpito un settore importante della #ISS o un astronauta (poco dopo era prevista una passeggiata spaziale)