RT @ESA_Tech
Europe’s space ministers have approved ESA’s #HeraMission! It’ll be going to a very strange place – a 780-m #asteroid with its own 160-m moon orbiting 1.2 km away. Here’s what the #DidymosAsteroid pair would look like beside the #EiffelTower #Space19plus http://www.esa.int/hera
#heramission #asteroid #DidymosAsteroid #eiffeltower #space19plus
Das hier ist mein Space Dream https://www.myspacedream.com/de/dreams?video=2 Die wichtigere Frage ist aber - was ist eurer? #myspacedream #space19plus
RT @esa@twitter.com
Did you know that each Euro invested in the @Space_Station@twitter.com produces €1.8 added value to European economies? #Space19Plus #BusinessOnISS
Read more: https://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Human_and_Robotic_Exploration/International_Space_Station/Business_with_human_and_robotic_exploration
Alle sprechen über 5G, aber was hat es eigentlich mit Raumfahrt zu tun? Hier ist schon mal ein Hinweis... / Everyone talks about 5G, but what's this got to do with space? Here a little hint... #ConnectingTheWorld #Space19plus #TimeForDecisions https://twitter.com/esa/status/1103301442809593858
#connectingtheworld #space19plus #timefordecisions
On average, Europeans estimated the cost of space activities at €245 per year per citizen, more than 20 times the actual amount! Just one of the findings of an opinion poll conducted on behalf of ESA. #Space19Plus [Corrected graphic]
Find out more: http://www.esa.int/About_Us/Welcome_to_ESA/How_much_do_we_think_we_know_about_space https://t.co/Mh8m2PDpL5