Space Adventure Cobra by Buichi Terasawa was and is among my favourite anime series. I watched all the episodes of the 80s series recently and the enjoyment felt almost the same as it was when I first saw it as a teenager. #anime #spaceadventurecobra
"Shi no koshin" by Kentaro Haneda, from Space Cobra 💪 (1982)
#CobrasTriumph #CheckmateToThePirateGuild #SpaceCobra #COBRA #SpaceAdventureCobra #KentaroHaneda #Anime #MastoMusic #MastoRadio #MyGeekPlaylist 🎧 #132
#cobrastriumph #checkmatetothepirateguild #spacecobra #cobra #spaceadventurecobra #kentarohaneda #Anime #mastomusic #mastoradio #mygeekplaylist
Nouveaux jobs, une aide de jeu pour #spaceadventurecobra
#ttrpg #jdr #spaceadventurecobra