@BryanBennett Maybe you confuse #IDE and #Editor?
Because otherwise #ed, #sed and other milimalist tools ain't editors.
Amd yes, I do find it bizarre how those that complain about #SystemD being #bloat tend to defend #Emacs.
It's like being an anti-gun pacifist yet not demanding tue state to disarm itself.
If you want a #Userland with #Lisp-Compiler that'll make use of your #SpaceCadet-Layout Keyboard, then yeah, emacs is propably what you want...
#spacecadet #Lisp #userland #eMacs #bloat #systemd #sed #ed #editor #ide
Lo que me he encontrado:
#WindowsXP #Pinball #SpaceCadet
#windowsxp #pinball #spacecadet
Heartwarming stuff aye 🥰
Have you BTW considered Steam Deck...?
#SpaceCadet is also right there in the #Discover store https://store.kde.org/p/1855605
::: Steam Deck - RELIVE also your CHILDHOOD :yay: 🎠 :yoshi_eat:
"Mapped the Z and / keys to the top left and top right back buttons respectively, and the space bar to the A button.
F2 (begins a new game) to the select button, and F3 (pause button) to the start button."
This handheld gaming marvel for more civilized age - also the most precious emotion evoking one? 🙂
=> https://teddit.net/r/SteamDeck/comments/12zktwx/never_would_i_have_guessed_id_be_reliving_my/
#SteamDeck #childhood #games #Linux #Steam #SteamOS #youth #memories #gaming #Space #Cadet #SpaceCadet #pinball
#pinball #spacecadet #cadet #space #gaming #memories #youth #steamos #steam #linux #games #childhood #SteamDeck
Ich hätte mal einen Aprilscherz machen sollen darüber, daß #GNU eine eigene Hardwaretastatur rausbringt, die vom #SpaceCadet inspiriert ist.
Mit nicht nur zwei Strg-Tasten, sondern auch zwei Alt-Tasten, zwei AltGr-Tasten, zwei Meta-Tasten, zwei Super-Tasten, ganz neu zwei Duper-Tasten und zwei Hyper-Tasten.
Daß die nächste Version von #emacs ohne diese Tastatur kaum benutzbar sein wird.
Und daß ein paar #Linux-Distris, wenn keine solche Tastatur gefunden wird, emacs auf #vim symlinken werden.
#gnu #spacecadet #emacs #linux #vim
@mementomaori Yeah reminds me of a moon rover lol #ForeverYoung #SpaceCadet
This is a true story.
The #MastadonMatrix has me. Sometimes I get booted into a new #SpaceCadet for #YogisRUS but I return to #Earth doing my #Yoga of choice #TaiChiExercise and #Meditate. Soon I will be more #Enlightened than ever so no excuses to #BeStill. #LiveTheWakeUp
#mastadonmatrix #spacecadet #yogisrus #earth #yoga #taichiexercise #meditate #enlightened #bestill #livethewakeup
Does anyone remember what is their highest score on 3D Pinball Space Cadet ?
#3dpinball #pinball #spacecadet #games #highscore #maxis #microsoft
#3Dpinball #pinball #spacecadet #games #highscore #maxis #microsoft
So...a LOT of my #Twitterhell fam seemed unaware of #SpaceCadet Musky urging people to vote Republican today. I alerted them to that fact urgently and within 280 characters. Not easy. 😂😂
I wish there was a “find my AirPods” feature cuz I certainly can’t locate them!
#ios #appleProbz #spaceCadet
Its that weird time of year where I get home after work, sit down for some couch-surfing and then wake up, slightly startled, after having spaced-out for 45m and wondering what just happened?!😂 #spacecadet
3D Pinball pour Windows – Space Cadet totalement reversé https://korben.info/3d-pinball-pour-windows-space-cadet-totalement-reverse.html #spacecadet #3Dpinball #Jeuvidéo
#jeuvidéo #3Dpinball #spacecadet
@Elizafox #absurd #spacecadet #snickering as I fly '#twix #M&M (Mars and the Moon) into an #extra #basic #orbit on a repurposed #trident rocket? :D
Idk, I played the wrong game; I fail X'D
#trident #orbit #basic #extra #m #twix #snickering #spacecadet #absurd