#BBC 📆 10 January 2016 How to deal with a #medical 🚑 #emergency on the #SpaceStation "They have limited resources on the ISS but there are no life support facilities on #Soyuz either" https://www.bbc.com/news/health-35254508
International Space Station (#ISS) #Depressurization Initial
Response #Procedure, 2016 https://governmentattic.org/27docs/ISS%20depressInitRespProced_2016.pdf
Uncontrolled #decompression : loss of #consciousness due to hypoxia (lack of #oxygen) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncontrolled_decompression#Gradual_decompression
#NASA 📆 May 26, 2020 #Evolution of Hardware and Philosophy of Emergency Response Actions on the International Space Station and Future #Spacecrafts https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/20200011599
#NYT 📆 Jan. 14, 2015 International Space Station crew members evacuated to the #Russian side of the station twice because of worries of a possible #ammonia leak https://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/15/science/space/international-space-station-ammonia-leak.html
#bbc #medical #emergency #spacestation #soyuz #iss #depressurization #procedure #decompression #consciousness #oxygen #NASA #evolution #spacecrafts #nyt #russian #ammonia
#BBC 📆 10 January 2016 How to deal with a #medical 🚑 #emergency on the #SpaceStation "They have limited resources on the ISS but there are no life support facilities on #Soyuz either" https://www.bbc.com/news/health-35254508
International Space Station (#ISS) #Depressurization Initial
Response #Procedure, 2016 https://governmentattic.org/27docs/ISS%20depressInitRespProced_2016.pdf
Uncontrolled #decompression : loss of #consciousness due to hypoxia (lack of #oxygen) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncontrolled_decompression#Gradual_decompression
#NASA 📆 May 26, 2020 #Evolution of Hardware and Philosophy of Emergency Response Actions on the International Space Station and Future #Spacecrafts https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/20200011599
#NYT 📆 Jan. 14, 2015 International Space Station crew members evacuated to the #Russian side of the station twice because of worries of a possible #ammonia leak https://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/15/science/space/international-space-station-ammonia-leak.html
#bbc #medical #emergency #spacestation #soyuz #iss #depressurization #procedure #decompression #consciousness #oxygen #NASA #evolution #spacecrafts #nyt #russian #ammonia
Wow. Real-time simulated view of the solar system: "planets, moons and spacecraft are shown where they are right now".
Search for, say Voyager 2, or New Horizons and you can switch between the view of the solar system from the spacecraft, or locate it relative to the solar system.
#space #SolarSystems #spacecrafts #nasa