The SpaceX Inspiration4 launch, endlessly flowing from the pad all the way to orbit.
Composite of multiple tracking telescopes using new techniques to bring out the faintest colors and finest details.
Credits: MARS Scientific
#Inspiration4 #Rocket #SpaceResearch #SpaceEngineering
#Space #Science #TheTruthIsUpThere
#Inspiration4 #rocket #spaceResearch #spaceengineering #space #science #thetruthisupthere
Benjamin Stippel studiert #SpaceEngineering im Master an der #UniBremen. Warum #Bremen? Warum Space? Das verrät Benny uns im Interview:
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My new ufo puppet, the intergalactic space dragon, afloat above the bonsai farm.
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Europe’s biggest test chamber for space antennas takes shape.
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#TimDodd and #LexFridman - Can we fit 100,000 #Satellites in #Orbit?
#Collision #Collisions #OrbitalMechanics #OrbitalCongestion #SatelliteCollision #Satellite #CollisionAvoidance #SpaceEngineering #Space #SpaceManagement #OrbitalPlane #OrbitalPlanes #OrbitalShell #OrbitalShells
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#MattParker - The Genius #Geometry of the #JamesWebb #SpaceTelescope
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