Trek Long Island is a family friendly event so don't leave the kids home! There will be plenty for them to do including a Storytime hosted by Prodigy's Bonnie Gordon 😃 .
There will also big an exeptional science track featuring PhD level scientists.
#StarTrek #StarTrekDiscovery #science #sciencefiction #SpaceHipsters #StarTrekSNW #DoctorWho #supergirl #TheMummy #BrendanFraser #umbrellaacademy #OITNB
#startrek #startrekdiscovery #science #sciencefiction #spacehipsters #startreksnw #doctorwho #supergirl #themummy #BrendanFraser #UmbrellaAcademy #oitnb
From #SpaceHipsters on FB: Mike Smithwick said
'Just saw a wonderful film on Netflix, called "The Wonderful: Stories from the #SpaceStation". Absolutely beautiful and, well, wondrous. No narration, just astronauts, and husbands and wives, just talking about the space station and their journey to make it, literally, to the "top."'
I had seen the film before, but watching it again makes me thankful for living in the #SpaceAge. Watching #TheWonderful every Thanksgiving could be a new tradition!
#spacehipsters #spacestation #spaceage #thewonderful