Vera e Il Diavolo.
Consigliato per fan di: #spacemen3 #spiritualized #brianjonestownmassacre #deadskeletons #blackangels #telescopes #jesusandmarychain #velvetunderground #TheStooges #moonduo #primalscream #vacantlots #stereolab #neu #13thfloorelevators #RedCrayola #mybloodyvalentine #suicide #MC5 #loop
👉 Bandcamp:
#spacemen3 #spiritualized #brianjonestownmassacre #deadskeletons #blackangels #Telescopes #jesusandmarychain #velvetunderground #TheStooges #moonduo #PrimalScream #vacantlots #stereolab #neu #13thfloorelevators #redcrayola #mybloodyvalentine #suicide #MC5 #loop
Spacemen 3 - Losing Touch with My Mind
#spacemen3 #losingtouchwithmymind #psychrock #ipnorock #garagerock #psychedelic
Click here for more:
#spacemen3 #losingtouchwithmymind #psychrock #ipnorock #garagerock #psychedelic
Condividiamo una super-playlist ultra-psichedelica degli ascolti che ci hanno influenzato durante le registrazioni di "Vera e Il Diavolo".
#spacemen3 #loopband #liminanas #velvetunderground #deadskeletons #BlackAngels #jesusandmarychain #brianjonestownmassacre #spiritualized #swans #telescopes #WOODENSHJIPS #troubleband #DrJohn #cramps #albertayler #singaporesling #thestooges #psychrock #ipnorock #misèredelaphilosophie #Spotify #Playlist #spotifyplaylist
#spacemen3 #loopband #liminanas #velvetunderground #deadskeletons #blackangels #jesusandmarychain #brianjonestownmassacre #spiritualized #swans #Telescopes #woodenshjips #troubleband #drjohn #cramps #albertayler #singaporesling #TheStooges #psychrock #ipnorock #miseredelaphilosophie #spotify #Playlist #spotifyplaylist
Video del primo singolo di Vera e Il Diavolo
#misèredelaphilosophie #veraeildiavolo #ildiavoloalleporte #single #newalbum #OfficialVideo #psychrock #garagerock #shoegaze #jesusandmarychain #BlackAngels #brianjonestownmassacre #vacantlots #deadskeletons #MC5 #cramps #primalscream #13thfloorelevators #spiritualized #spacemen3
#miseredelaphilosophie #veraeildiavolo #ildiavoloalleporte #single #newalbum #officialvideo #psychrock #garagerock #shoegaze #jesusandmarychain #blackangels #brianjonestownmassacre #vacantlots #deadskeletons #MC5 #cramps #PrimalScream #13thfloorelevators #spiritualized #spacemen3
Vera e Il Diavolo.
Consigliato per fan di: #spacemen3 #spiritualized #brianjonestownmassacre #deadskeletons #blackangels #telescopes #jesusandmarychain #velvetunderground #TheStooges #moonduo #primalscream #vacantlots #stereolab #neu #13thfloorelevators #RedCrayola #mybloodyvalentine #suicide #MC5 #loop
👉 Bandcamp:
#spacemen3 #spiritualized #brianjonestownmassacre #deadskeletons #blackangels #Telescopes #jesusandmarychain #velvetunderground #TheStooges #moonduo #PrimalScream #vacantlots #stereolab #neu #13thfloorelevators #redcrayola #mybloodyvalentine #suicide #MC5 #loop
"Il sogno lascia cicatrici e i demoni continuano a ferirci all’interno di una realtà sempre più claustrofobica, di fronte alla quale la fuga onirica non rappresenta una soluzione sufficiente".
Nuova #recensione di #veraeildiavolo su Concertionline a cura di Alessio Gallorini.
#misèredelaphilosophie #psychGarage #shoegaze #rock #newalbum #spacemen3 #spiritualized #telescopes #velvetunderground #BlackAngels #deadskeletons #brianjonestownmassacre #loureed
#recensione #veraeildiavolo #miseredelaphilosophie #psychgarage #shoegaze #rock #newalbum #spacemen3 #spiritualized #Telescopes #velvetunderground #blackangels #deadskeletons #brianjonestownmassacre #loureed
"L'onirico e il demoniaco nel nuovo album della Misère de la Philosophie. L'originalissimo linguaggio della band toscana incontra chitarre shoegaze e trame psiche-garage sempre più cupe".
Grazie a ALLternative!
Se avete voglia di dare un ascolto fatevi avanti!
#misèredelaphilosophie #veraeildiavolo #shoegaze #psychGarage #newalbum #bandcamp #Spotify #velvetunderground #cramps #spacemen3 #spiritualized #BlackAngels
#miseredelaphilosophie #veraeildiavolo #shoegaze #psychgarage #newalbum #bandcamp #spotify #velvetunderground #cramps #spacemen3 #spiritualized #blackangels
Spacemen 3 - Mary Anne (live)
What a song
#spacemen3 #maryanne #live #psychedelic #garage #rock #ballad #music
#spacemen3 #maryanne #live #psychedelic #garage #rock #ballad #music
Spacemen 3 - Sound of Confusion
#spacemen3 #soundofconfusion #psychedelic #garage #rock #freeyourmindandyourasswillfollow #bandcamp
#spacemen3 #soundofconfusion #psychedelic #garage #rock #freeyourmindandyourasswillfollow #bandcamp
My musical companions this past week are some albums that turned my musical world upside down.
My intro to this amazing band was Playing With Fire - took me places I have never been before
#howdoesitfeel #mmttdtmmt #spacemen3
Jason Pierce’s earlier incarnation as J Spaceman with Sonic Boom. #nowplaying #Spacemen3 #Recurring #WhenTomorrowHits is a certified banger.
#nowplaying #spacemen3 #recurring #whentomorrowhits
I wouldn't discover the genius of the band Suicide until over a decade later, when I saw them constantly compared to one of my late-80s faves, Spacemen 3.
#music #Mastomusic #postpunk #AlanVega #MartinRev #nowplaying #electronic #Spacemen3
#music #mastomusic #postpunk #alanvega #martinrev #nowplaying #electronic #spacemen3
#7BandsToKnowMe Well, as ever, this will no doubt change slightly in an hour or so but in the effervescent NOW & being strict on the idea of BANDS that have shaped my musical language: #Coil #Crass #AcidMothersTemple #Orbital #TheCure #Faust #Spacemen3 // odd when I thought of this that a lot of my current faves are solo artists and / or female but I guess music gradually broadens out, like a perverse fan(boy).
#7bandstoknowme #coil #crass #acidmotherstemple #orbital #thecure #faust #spacemen3
Spiritualized released a new album in 2022, and while they never really went away, "Everything Was Beautifulâ„¢" feels like a rebirth, as J Spaceman hammers the blues/psychedelia mix he's been working for years into a new, blissful form of cosmic gold. One of my most-played albums of the year, by far.
Single: "Always Together With You"
#music #Mastomusic #Spiritualized #JasonPierce #Spacemen3 #bestof2022 #psychedelic #psychedelia
#music #mastomusic #spiritualized #jasonpierce #spacemen3 #bestof2022 #psychedelic #psychedelia