Got an old 3D mouse (6 degrees of freedom) for cheap. A.k.a. #SpaceMouse a.k.a. bat (ultra sonic).
Took a while to find the right configuration to get it working (project spacenav), but it eventually did, yay. :gentoo:
Scooting around with it in Blender :blender: is a bit challenging (lack of experience). But even after few minutes and trying different settings (so many options) I already feel progress.
Curious whether I will adopt this device long-term, but looking promising right now.
salimbenbouz DIY Space Mouse for Fusion 360 Using Magnets
Instruction at instructables:
#diy #instructables #spacemouse #3dprinting
Build A DIY Space Mouse For A More Efficient CAD Workflow - When you find yourself doing a lot of work in 3D modelling, you occasionally wish ... - #peripheralshacks #magnetometer #spacemouse #3dmouse #mouse
#mouse #3dmouse #spacemouse #magnetometer #peripheralshacks
Example of why the 3DConnexion SpaceMouse is essential imho for 3D design. It feels like you're flying through space around the very things you're creating, fluidly gliding from one area to the next. #3ddesign #spacemouse #controller
#3ddesign #spacemouse #controller
Example of why the 3DConnexion SpaceMouse is essential imho for 3D design. It feels like you're flying through space around the very things you're creating, fluidly gliding from one area to the next. #3ddesign #spacemouse #controller
#3ddesign #spacemouse #controller
Es ist einfach unglaublich, wie gut es sich mit der #3DConnexion #SpaceMouse in einem 3D Programm navigieren laesst. Ich will das Teil garnimmer missen!
Am Anfang dachte ich immer, dass das bestimmt total schwer ist, das 3D Objekt genauso hinzudrehen, wie man es haben will. Aber ganz im Gegenteil. Ich denke nur, wie ich es will, und lasse die Hand an dem Geraet einfach machen. Und irgendwie fliegt dann alles ganz magisch so, wie es soll. 😍
Old 3D CAD Mouse Gets New Lease Of Life #SpaceMouseCompact #RaspberryPiPico #computerhacks #3dconnexion #raspberrypi #spacemouse #Magellan #3dmouse #3DxWare #rs-232 #pico #UF2
#spacemousecompact #RaspberryPiPico #computerhacks #3dconnexion #RaspberryPi #spacemouse #magellan #3dmouse #3dxware #rs #pico #uf2
Old 3D CAD Mouse Gets New Lease Of Life - [Jacek Fedorynski] had an old Magellan/SpaceMouse 3D mouse with a serial interface... - #spacemousecompact #raspberrypipico #computerhacks #3dconnexion #raspberrypi #spacemouse #magellan #3dmouse #3dxware #rs-232 #pico #uf2
#uf2 #pico #rs #3dxware #3dmouse #magellan #spacemouse #raspberrypi #3dconnexion #computerhacks #raspberrypipico #spacemousecompact
Space Mouse
Eye Contact
#SpaceMouse #CartoonMouse #Mouse #DellComics #GoldKeyComics #Drawing #Illustration #MstoArt #FediArt
#fediart #mstoart #illustration #drawing #goldkeycomics #dellcomics #mouse #cartoonmouse #spacemouse
Spaceballs Get Serialized #PeripheralsHacks #serialinterface #spaceballs #spacemouse #6dof
#PeripheralsHacks #serialinterface #spaceballs #spacemouse #6dof
Spaceballs Get Serialized - As much as we’d love a TV show version of the cult classic movie, we’re talking ab... - #peripheralshacks #serialinterface #spaceballs #spacemouse #6dof
#6dof #spacemouse #spaceballs #serialinterface #peripheralshacks
【STEREO SOUND】 #furry #furryart #kemono #mouse #vaporwave #spacemouse
#furry #furryart #kemono #mouse #vaporwave #spacemouse
Do other people have #Christmas 🌲tree decorations which are rich in personal and family history? Here are some of mine. I have a tradition that every year I buy one new decoration - sometimes it is more, some are gifts. Meet Space #Mouse. He was purchased last year and he is so special and expressive ❤️ #xmasdecorations #christmastree #mouse #spacemouse
#christmas #mouse #xmasdecorations #Christmastree #spacemouse
Conversion d'une souris 3D à l'USB-C, c'est fait
RT from 🧪 BattleJuice Alchemist 📜 wishlist on Steam (@AlchemicalWorks)
I use a 3D mouse to record pans and tracking shots right in #UnrealEngine. Maybe a lot of people do this, but I think it is really cool and it saves me a lot of time spent on animations.
#gamedev #ue4 #EpicMegaMondays #SpaceMouse
[Video embedded in original tweet]
Original tweet :
#unrealengine #gamedev #ue4 #EpicMegaMondays #spacemouse