Just finished reading two cracking good queer space operas by Everina Maxwell. Highly recommend.
:_gaysparkle: 📚🚀
There was a main character in one of them who I somehow cast in my head as the actor who played Jeff on #Community. He was so similar and just as ambivalently sympathetic. I couldn't really visualize the other guy as a particular actor, but Tennal was totally Jeff. Sometimes my brain just does that.
#SFF #SpaceOperas #WintersOrbit #OceansEcho #bookstodon #AmReading @bookstodon
#community #sff #spaceoperas #wintersorbit #oceansecho #bookstodon #amreading
@Digital_Archivist I've been escaping into #spaceoperas. For some reason, dystopian sci fi makes me feel better. I don't understand why, but I've totally withdrawn into #books. I'm listening to an audio book that's a #warhammer40k omnibus right now.
#warhammer40k #Books #spaceoperas
I love #spaceoperas but I never wrote one. Closest I got to anything epic was my #SciFi series Femitokon. No one read it because lesbians and genetic engineering. Series bible still gets mad traffic though. https://femitokon.com/about-the-series/