30-Day Bitcoin NFT Sales Surge to $173 Million, Securing Second Place in Blockchain Market - In the past month, recent data reveals that sales of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) or... - https://news.bitcoin.com/30-day-bitcoin-nft-sales-surge-to-173-million-securing-second-place-in-blockchain-market/ #bitcoin-basednfts #boredapeyachtclub #marketsandprices #bitcoinnftsales #marketdominance #bitcoinnfts #competition #bitcoinnft #blockchain #popularity #spacepepes #ethereum #ordinals #bitcoin
#ordinals #ethereum #spacepepes #popularity #blockchain #bitcoinnft #competition #bitcoinnfts #marketdominance #bitcoinnftsales #marketsandprices #boredapeyachtclub #bitcoin
Nifty News: Bitcoin surges to 2nd largest NFT chain, StepN integrates Apple Pay and more... - Bitcoin has seen around $167.47 million worth of NFT sales over the past... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-second-largest-nft-chain-stepn-apple-pay #bitcoinfrogs #gordanramsay #bitcoinnfts #spacepepes #thesandbox #ordinals #openfort #stepn
#stepn #openfort #ordinals #thesandbox #spacepepes #bitcoinnfts #gordanramsay #bitcoinfrogs