@tazz602 @JackDeeth There are many, MANY dumpster fires in #StarTrek computer UIs. Or, it seems to me, Star Trek hardware design, for that matter.
Which is probably why, in almost every single episode, there's a handful of #SpaceShuttleColumbia (launch, not reentry) if not actually #Apollo13 level incidents and everyone just accepts this as the way things are supposed to happen in spaceflight.
Working in space entails a fair degree of risk, but having had centuries to perfect the technology...
#startrek #spaceshuttlecolumbia #apollo13
An old Ars Technica article, and a long one, but well worth a read for anyone interested in space exploration: The audacious rescue plan that might have saved space shuttle Columbia https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/02/the-audacious-rescue-plan-that-might-have-saved-space-shuttle-columbia-2/ #Astronomy #Space #SpaceFlight #SpaceTravel #SpaceShuttle #Shuttle #Columbia #SpaceShuttleColumbia #ArsTechnica
#arstechnica #spaceshuttlecolumbia #columbia #shuttle #spaceshuttle #spacetravel #spaceflight #space #astronomy
"The Commander Thinks Aloud" posted in remembrance on the 20th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster #columbia #spaceshuttle #SpaceShuttleColumbia #theLongWinters
#thelongwinters #spaceshuttlecolumbia #spaceshuttle #columbia
If you feel some connection to that event, you may be interested in listening to her album 'Columbia: We Dare to Dream'. Set aside some quality time, as it's over an hour in length. 2/2
#spaceShuttleColumbia #ColumbiaTribute #chubbycrowrecds
#spaceshuttlecolumbia #columbiatribute #chubbycrowrecds
This time of year is when NASA and other organizations remember and honor those astronauts and support members who have been lost in tragedy: Apollo 1, Challenger, and Columbia.
This being the 20th anniversary of the Columbia STS-107 accident is especially meaningful to my wife Anne and I, as she spent years putting together her sonic tribute to that crew. 1/2
#spaceshuttlecolumbia #columbiatribute #chubbycrowrecds