Just wanted to share #SomaFM, my online radio of choice for almost 2 decades (ah!) https://somafm.com/ They have way too many channels to share all, but wanted to highlight
#GrooveSalad https://somafm.com/player/#/now-playing/groovesalad
#SpaceStationSoma https://somafm.com/player/#/now-playing/spacestation and
and last but definitely not least #SecretAgent https://somafm.com/player/#/now-playing/secretagent
Have a good listen, and if you have like it, donate to them as well! I now have to find my SomeFM t-shirt...
#somafm #groovesalad #spacestationsoma #secretagent
That moment when you should go to bed because you have an early start in the morning, but you just can't because the music on #SpaceStationSoma on @somafm is so damn good #electronica #HeadphoneWorthyMusic #DancingInDarkOffice #LightsOutMusicOnFull
#dancingindarkoffice #lightsoutmusiconfull #spacestationsoma #electronica #headphoneworthymusic
Because it's late and I need to focus, I crank up #SpaceStationSoma on @somafm #electronica #HeadphoneWorthyMusic
#spacestationsoma #electronica #headphoneworthymusic