Got a surprise gift from #europeanspaceagency today. They are sending a thank you for organizing #SpaceTalks as #SpaceUp 2019. How do you know I have a new cellphone supporting this? #esaoperations, do you have access to #hawkeye360, #unseenlabs & #spireglobal +#KleosSpace sats locating it?😀
#europeanspaceagency #spacetalks #SpaceUp #esaoperations #hawkeye360 #unseenlabs #spireglobal #KleosSpace
Schon mal mit #Astronaut Thomas #Reiter 'nen Café getrunken & über @Astro_Alex auf der #ISS geplaudert- oder diskutiert, wann der erste Europäer zum #Mond fliegen soll? Das kannst du beim #SpaceTalks am 24.11. ab 11h @Airport_FRA in #Frankfurt: cc @DLR_de
#astronaut #reiter #iss #mond #spacetalks #frankfurt
Hmmm anyone interested in setting up such a thing in Augsburg or München?
RT Calling all members of the European space community! Share your passion about space through #SpaceTalks, a series of grassroots talks and events for the general public.
Find out more: